Skull Crushers (Lying Tricep Extensions) The key to maximizing this movement is understanding the elbow position and how it tracks. Read now
Cable Lying Tricep Extensions Create the mind-muscle connection of creating and maintaining tension in the triceps throughout the exercise. Read now
Cable One Arm Tricep Extensions Allow your hand, wrist, and arm to rotate naturally on the eccentric and concentric of this exercise. Read now
Cable Rope Overhead Tricep Extensions Aim for volume with this exercise, using heavier weight with this movement will cause unwarranted stress on your low back and elbow. Read now
One Arm Seated Overhead Tricep Extension During the beginning of the concentric, let your elbow track laterally slightly to create a greater stretch in the tricep. Then, extend your forearms overhead. Read now
Tricep Pushdown Negate other musculature to focus solely on the tricep to maximize this movement. Read now
Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown On the eccentric, don't let your elbows come up to high. This will activate your lats and take away from the tricep. Read now
Tricep Kickbacks How you position your body will dictate the amount of tension and quality of contraction you get from the kickback. Read now
Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension Be subtle with your elbow movement. The purpose of your elbows tracking is to generate a proper stretch in the tricep. Read now