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Dumbbell Bench Press

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Chest
Secondary Muscle(s) Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment Dumbbell
Emphasis Compound
Type Push

Dumbbell Bench Press Instructions

  • Rest the DB's on your thighs. Palms should be facing each other.
  • Focus on pinching your shoulder blades (scapulas) together as you lie back on the bench. 
    • This creates a stable shoulder position to press from.
    • Your low back is not excessively arched as you lie down.
  • Use your thighs to “bump” the dumbbells up and press them ove your chest at shoulder-width apart.
    • Your hands should be in a  relatively neutral position.
  • Lower the dumbbells in a controlled manner to slightly above your chest.  
  • Push dumbbells back up while contracting the chest and triceps.
    • Do not lock out the elbows.
  • Maintain the strong shoulder position you created at the beginning from start to finish.


  • Feel your chest and triceps loading on the descent. 
  • Your hands can rotate subtly through the movement.
  • Do not let your elbows excessively flare internally or externally.
  • Keep your feet grounded throughout the exercise.
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