Exercise Database

Frog Sit-ups

Imagine your abdominals curling your torso into the top position. Similar in the manner of a bicep curl.
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At first, your legs will want to elevate or "spray" out. Through practice and greater core stability, you will be able to execute the crunch without much hip flexor involvement.
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Cross Crunch

There is not much range-of-motion with this movement. Focus on the contraction of the abdominal musculature.
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Reverse Crunch

You don't want a rigid torso. This will negate your abdominals being used and force the stimulus to your quads and hip flexor.
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Elbow To Knee

Exercise Summary Primary Muscle(s) Abdominals Secondary Muscle(s) None Equipment Bodyweight Emphasis Compound Type Pull Elbow To Knee Instructions Instruction 1 Instruction 2 Elbow To Knee Tips Tip 1 Tip 2

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Seated Leg Tucks

Bring your knees into your stomach while maintaining a relatively neutral spine.
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Bottoms Up

Exercise Summary Primary Muscle(s) Abdominals Secondary Muscle(s) None Equipment Bodyweight Emphasis Compound Type Pull Bottoms Up Instructions Lie down on the floor with your feet and legs together. Arms are resting at your sides.  Keep your legs and feet together...

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Scissor Kicks

Keep the tempo controlled. Don't rush through this exercise, it will negate the purpose.
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Hanging Leg Raise

This movement takes time to develop. You have to develop the strength and stability in your shoulders to properly hold yourself. Then one has to practice the movement pattern to properly activate your core while executing the movement.
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