Exercise Database
Simple foot alterations on the leg press can impact your training and bring up weaker body parts in your programming.Read now
Smith Machine Squat
This variations will fire up your glutes and make you give respect to the Smith Machine.Read now -
Smith Machine Front Squat
Read nowExercise Summary Primary Muscle(s) Quads Secondary Muscle(s) Glutes, Hamstrings, Abdominals Equipment Machine Emphasis Compound Type Squat Smith Machine Front Squat Instructions Be in a strong athletic position: knees flexed, core and glutes activated, chest up, and shoulders back. Place your fingers...
Leg Extension
Use this movement at the beginning of your training to prime your quads, or at the end to completely exhaust them.Read now -
Smith Machine Upright Row
Learn optimal technique to safely build your delts and avoid shoulder impingement in the process.Read now -
Smith Machine Shrugs
With a Smith Machine, you can load up the weight and overload the traps.Read now -