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New TF Shogun Tees | In Stock Now
Decline Dumbbell Flys

Decline Dumbbell Flys

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Chest
Secondary Muscle(s) None
Equipment Dumbbell
Emphasis Isolation
Type Push

Decline Dumbbell Flys Instruction

  • Position your legs securely in the padding of the decline bench and lay back slowly with a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing each other) resting atop of your thighs.
  • Extend your arms out above (palms still facing each other).
  • With elbows slightly bent, lower the weights in a semicircular motion to your sides.
    • You should aim for a stretch in the chest musculature.
    • Don't lower farther than your standard range-of-motion or at/below your chest.
  • At the bottom position, return back to the top, on the same path as the eccentric, as you squeeze your chest to initiate the concentric portion of the exercise.


  • The arms should remain slightly bent throughout the movement. The arms are a lever between the chest and the dumbbell.
  • The focus of this exercise should be on the stretching and contraction of the chest musculature and should be done at a slow pace.
  • Going too heavy on weight can ruin the stretch and defeat the purpose of the exercise.
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