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Crossbody Hammer Curls

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Biceps
Secondary Muscle(s) Forearms
Equipment Dumbbell
Emphasis Isolation
Type Pull

Crossbody Hammer Curls Instruction

  • Feet positioned in an athletic stance slightly outside shoulder-width.
    • Your knees are slightly bent and toes pointed straight ahead.
  • The core is braced and engaged. Shoulders are pinned back with your chest up.
  • Have a dumbbell in each hand, resting at your sides, palms facing your body.
  • Begin by curling one arm up towards the opposite shoulder until the top of the dumbbell lightly touches it or your forearm is just above parallel.
    • Your thumbs are always pointed up.
  • Your forearms are strongly activated in this curl variation.
  • Slowly the lower the weight and repeat the same movement with the opposite arm.


  • Refrain from “swinging” the weight or leaning backwards.
  • The muscle used first will be used the most. Initiate the movement with your bicep and forearm, not your lower half or shoulder.
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