January 28, 2021
Team Tiger Fitness
Bradford Press
Bradford Press Instructions
- Set the bar to shoulder level in the rack.
- Before unracking, assume a strong lifting position:
- Core and glutes activated (ribs set over your pelvis)
- Chest up and shoulders back
- Knees slightly flexed
- Eyes fixed ahead
- Neutral spine
- Grip the bar with your forearms relatively vertical, hands are just outside shoulder-width.
- Unrack the bar and press the bar high enough to clear your head.
- Once the bars clears your head, lower behind your head to ear level.
- DO NOT bring the bar any lower.
Reverse the motion to the front bringing the bar to your collar bone. This movement will conclude one repetition.
- The forearms must remain perpendicular to the floor throughout the exercise.
- Strive to keep the shoulder musculature under constant tension, don't bounce the weight or lose control of the tempo.