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New TF Shogun Tees | In Stock Now

Barbell Upright Row

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Shoulders
Secondary Muscle(s) Traps
Equipment Barbell
Emphasis Compound
Type Pull

Barbell Upright Row Instructions

  • Assume a strong lifting position:
    • Core and glutes activated with a neutral spine
    • Chest up and shoulders back
    • Knees slightly bent and eyes fixed ahead.
  • With an overhand grip, grab the barbell just inside shoulder-width.
  • Raise the bar by focusing on pulling with your delts. 
    • AVOID letting your traps shrug upwards. Maintain sound posture from start to finish.
    • Create the mind-muscle connection your delts are controlling the movement, your arms are passive.
  • The top position is just below your collarbone..


  • Ignore the notion of bringing the barbell past your collarbone. 
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