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Around The World Dumbbell

Around The World Dumbbell

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Chest
Secondary Muscle(s) Shoulders
Equipment Dumbbell
Emphasis Isolation
Type Push

Around The World Dumbbell Instructions

  • Lay down on a flat bench holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms by your sides, facing upward in a supinated position.
  • With a slight bend in the elbows, move the dumbbells in a semicircular motion over your head.
    • Arms should be parallel to the floor for the duration of the movement.
  • Return the starting position.


  • The arms should remain slightly bent throughout the exercise. The arms are a lever between the chest and the dumbbell.
  • The focus of this exercise should be on the stretching and contraction of the chest musculature and should be done at a slow pace.
  • Going too heavy on weight can ruin the stretch and defeat the purpose of the exercise.
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