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New Brand Arrival - Afterdark
New Brand Arrival - Afterdark

Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Calves
Secondary Muscle(s) None
Equipment Dumbbell
Emphasis Isolation
Type Push

Seated Dumbbell Calf Raise Instructions

  • Be seated on flat bench with the butt end of a DB resting atop each quad.
  • Position a plate on the ground in front of you. Rest the ball of your foot on the plate with your heels off the back-end.
  • In a controlled manner, flex/extend at the ankle through a full range-of-motion.
  • Actively control the concentric and eccentric portion of the exercise.
    • At the top of the exercise, think about driving your heel into the back of your knee.
    • You are conscientiously shortening and lengthening the musculature of the calf to control the movement. 
  • Don't mindlessly press the balls of your feet into the plate. Control the weight.
  • Use your hands to passively control the weight.
  • Don't bounce the weight up. Really emphasize controlling the exercise with your calves.
    • As you fatigue, negate the feeling of lifting the weight with assistance from your quads. This will negate full calf activation. 


  • Establish a strong mind-muscle connection and be deliberate with each repetition. 
  • Experiment with different rep schemes and various time-under-tension protocols. 
  • Don't actively point your feet internally or externally. This will have no real effect on the execution of the exercise.
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