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Squats Optional - The Superset Quad Workout of the Gods

Squats Optional - The Superset Quad Workout of the Gods

I love squats. There is nothing more functional and physique-altering than the almighty squat.

But some people dislike squats.

Some believe squats give you a huge and overdeveloped rear end. Others simply have long limbs that make it a struggle to hit proper depth. These people will not squat, period.

Related - 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn?t Barbell Back Squat

But what if said individual still wants big, muscular legs? Or, let's say, you've squatted weekly for four months straight and just feel like mixing it up... Like dating a blonde when all Tinder is displaying are brunettes?

What if you still want to torch legs without the almighty squat? And what if you had your mind set on a squat-less session but then you get there, and the great alter of gains, the squat rack, is calling your name. Do you resist the urge to squat, or give in to the urge?

You can do either, and I?ll tell you how.

The Best "No Squat" Quad Workout - Superset Challenge!

No Squat Superset Quad Workout

This workout is not for the faint of heart. This isn't a quad workout for those who desire to fit into skinny jeans. This workout is for those who love pushing past their limits.

it's for those who love feeling their legs tighter than a garden hose screwed into a frozen valve. If you want your legs to grow like marijuana in Colorado, this is for you.

It's a superset torture session.

Two supersets, 200 reps per superset, with 400 total reps completed. NOT counting optional squats.

So what sick bastard invented this? Me, the man famous for a 100lb x 100 rep dumbbell challenge against Mike Rashid, and the man on the winning side of a Deadlift challenge with Kris Gethin versus two great powerlifters, one of them being Tigerfitness? own Steve Shaw.

100 REP DEADLIFT CHALLENGE | Bodybuilders vs. Powerlifters Featuring Kris Gethin and Marc Lobliner
This workout will give you a sadistic leg pump. And if you are sick in the head, you can add squats too. You don't have to, but I often do. Why? Because I love this, I live this, and unlike the other supplement companies and Internet retailers, I actually practice what I preach.

Here is your workout. The squats are optional. But we know that if you?re like us, you will use them as a bloody warm-up. Enjoy the pain, enjoy the challenge, and enjoy the newfound leg growth.

Feel free to throw this into your routine every 4-6 weeks as a shock or whenever you are tired of being able to walk normally.

Superset Challenge

  • Pillar Prep - Watch this video
  • Movement Prep - World?s greatest stretch, inch worm/walkouts, mini-band lateral and linear
Workout a
Full Body Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Goblet Squats  3  8
 Back Squats  - *See below
 Superset 1 - *See below
 Leg Press
 Hack Squats
 Superset 2 - *See below
 Leg Extensions
 Box Jumps

Goblet Squats: 3 sets of 8 not near failure. Work mobility at bottom of movement.

Back Squats: Work up in weight pyramid Style, not to failure. So if you do 315:
  • 95 x 10
  • 135 x 8
  • 225 x 8
  • 315 x 6
Superset One: Perform 10 sets of 10 reps of BOTH movements, alternating exercises. NO rest between leg press and hack squat. After hack squats, rest 60-90 seconds and repeat the superset until you've done both exercises 10 times. Choose a weight you can perform 15 reps with (failing at rep 15). By set 5, you will be crying!

Superset Two: Perform 10 sets of 10 reps of BOTH movements, alternating exercises. NO rest between leg extensions and box jumps. After box jumps, rest 60-90 seconds and repeat the superset until you've done both exercises 10 times.

Choose a weight you can perform 15 reps with (failing at rep 15). Choose a box you can jump on with effort (you may also use any bench your gym has available). By doing the leg extensions first, you will pre-exhaust your quads for box jumps allowing for an amazing pump!

There you have it! Post workout, you will be SPENT! Be sure to ingest the following:
Previous article 3 Day Full Body Dumbbell Workout Plan