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Machine Shock Leg Day Workout From Hell

Machine Shock Leg Day Workout From Hell

?You?re never gonna survive unless you get a little crazy.?

This also rings true:

?You?re Never Gonna Build Big Legs Unless You Shock The Hell Out Of Them!?

The machine leg day workout from hell quad blast was made on a whim. I wanted to shock my body. I wanted to challenge my endurance. I wanted veins to pop from every part of my lower body.

I wanted gains, pure gains. I also want to EARN that Mr. Universe Title.

So, there I was, training with Brad and Dylan from, and I wanted to hurt myself and take them down with me. So I devised this evil plan. Pre-exhaust with a superset of leg press and leg extensions at 400 reps total, then some movements that work your entire core finishing with the king of all exercises, squats.

The result? A leg workout that made us all proud to have finished. See below and try it out - let us know how you like it by commenting below or at our forum.

See the training video and description here:

Machine Shock Leg Day Workout

Machine Shock
Leg Day Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Extension superset with Leg Press *  10  20
Reverse Lunges  4  6 per leg
Goblet Squats - Go up in weight if possible  10  5
Standing Calf Raise superset with Leg Extension  4  10
Squats  4  5

* Leg press superset - 10 sets of 20 reps with a leg press rep scheme of:
  • 2 plates
  • 3 plates
  • 4 plates
  • 5 plates
  • 6 plates
  • 7 plates
  • 6 plates
  • 5 plates
  • 4 plates
  • 3 plates
  • 2 plates
Set weight for leg extension at a weight that hurts at 15 but you can get 20!

Give this workout a shot and try doing it every 4 or so weeks as a shocker. I challenge you, and that's not a game!
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