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Training Regimen

Push | Pull | Legs - 3 Day Training Regimen

Whether you're a beginner or just strapped for time, this workout will help you make a copious amount of gains in minimal time!

For a beginner, there is no need for more than three sessions a week. That is all you will need to make gains when beginning a weight training program. Busy individuals might only have time to train three days per week.

This program is based around the following core lifts:
  • Bench press
  • Deadlift
  • Squat
  • Pull-ups/Assisted pull ups
  • Overhead press with barbell or dumbbells
We use these exercises alongside accessories to build the perfect routine. It will hit every part of your body optimally in only three days per week.

The base movement or movements will usually (pull-ups are the exception) be performed with lower reps and utilize progressive overload. We will perform these movements in the 6-10 rep range.

The accessory movements will be done in the 8-12 or 15-20 rep range. This is done to give the muscles different variables that will contribute to growth. This will also promote blood flow to the muscles, leading to optimal nutrient delivery and increased training volume. Both of these are key components to making gainz!

When to Increase Weight

The goal is to add weight and/or reps each workout. We will use the bench press as an example.

If you start out doing 225lbs on the bench press for 6 reps and move up by a rep each workout, you will be at 10 reps in 5 weeks. Once you are able to get 10 reps, raise the weight to 235lbs and repeat the cycle until you max out the rep range and then do it all over again.

Do this for all exercises and rep ranges and aim to improve every workout.

Training Beyond Failure

For this program, we will not train beyond failure. Push each set just up until the point of failure (when you cannot perform one more rep) and rack the weight. The next workout, improve in either weight or reps as explained previously.


Simple and to the point!

The Best 3 Day Workout Routine for Making Gainz

Perform with one day in between workouts, such as:
  • Monday/Wednesday/Friday
  • Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday
...or any variation of that. You CAN train back to back days if needed.
Day 1
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats  3  6-10
Leg Press  3  8-12
Leg Extensions  3  8-12
Lying Hamstring Curls  3  8-12
Lunges  3  20
Seated Calf Raise  3  6-10
Standing Calf Raise  3  15-20

Squats: Pyramid up in weight. Start with a lighter weight for 15 reps and work up to a heavier weight at 6 reps for 4 sets. For example:
  • 95 x 10
  • 135 x 8
  • 185 x 6
Working sets - 225 x 6-10 reps for 3 sets. (Note: please adjust per YOUR ability)

Leg Press: Start at 12 and work down to 6 as you fatigue - pyramid UP as you did with squats.

Leg Extensions: Start at 12 and work down to 6 as you fatigue - pyramid UP as you did with squats.

Lying Hamstring Curls: Start at 12 and work down to 6 as you fatigue - pyramid UP as you did with squats.

Lunges: Use as much weight as you can to get desired reps.
Day 2
Exercise Sets Reps
Flat Bench Press  3  6-10
DB Incline Bench Press  3  8-12
Standing Shoulder Press with Barbell or Dumbbell  3  6-10
Lateral Raises  3  15-20
Skullcrushers  3  8-12
Triceps Pressdown  3  15-20

Flat Bench Press: Start with lighter weight and warm up with the first 2-3 sets.
  • 1 x 6-10
  • 1 x 6-10 (more weight than set 1)
  • Optional set 3. If not warm same as set 1-2.
Standing Shoulder Press with Barbell or Dumbbell
  • 1 x 6-10
  • 1 x 6-10 (more weight than set 1)
  • Optional set 3. If not warm same as set 1-2.

Day 3
Exercise Sets Reps
Deadlifts  3  6-10
Hammer Strength or Machine Rows  3  8-12
Pull Ups  3  6-10
Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs  3 15-20
Preacher Curls  3  8-12
Incline Dumbbell Curls  3  15-20

Deadlifts: Pyramid up in weight. Start with a lighter weight for 15 reps and work up to a heavier weight at 6 reps for 4 sets. For example:
  • 95 x 10
  • 135 x 8
  • 185 x 6
Working sets - 225 x 6-10 reps for 3 sets. (Note: please adjust per YOUR ability)

Pull Ups: Use as much weight as you can to get desired reps.

Let the GAINZ begin!

This routine includes everything you need to start a new workout lifestyle OR to fit a lot of gainz into a little bit of time. There are no excuses to not be able to hit the gym for three hours a week.

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