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Transformation: Adam Craft Cuts an Incredible 82 Pounds!
What Was Your Life Like Before Your Transformation?
I thought it was great. I had a beautiful wife, ate whatever I wanted, and was living my dream as a professional wrestler. But I was 280 lbs and had never stepped foot in a gym.
My entire life I wanted to be a professional wrestler and at the age of 18 I attended wrestling school. After years of working on my craft I had decided that maybe it was time to take a stab at the big times via the WWE. So on tour one year in Northern Manitoba I had heard about WWE coming to my town of Saint John, N.B. and said. "I'm making it my goal to get a try out match and knew I needed to make some big changes as not one of those guys look like me."
So I started working out and eating better not really knowing what I was doing but
gathering every bit of knowledge I could. So whether or not I got the tryout match I would be in better shape.
What Were Your Major Struggles or Challenges?
Not really knowing how to eat or work out properly. Also, my love for junk food. I hate just about every vegetable.

Detail Your Workout and Cardio Plan During Your Transformation
When I first started working out it was just lifting weights as mentioned before not really knowing what I was doing. I worked as a bouncer so I would go after work at 3 am so that no one would see me as I was embarrassed.
After a while I started to incorporate cardio and a local wrestling promotion had set up a ring so that we could train. Throughout the years I became more knowledgeable about working out through listening to people and watching videos on the computer and reading.
I now workout with weights an hour a day along with half hour of cardio at the end. 3 Days a week I train at the wrestling ring different drills for 3-4 hours a session.
Detail Your Diet/Eating Plan During Your Transformation
At first I cut out a lot of junk food and tried many different things like lowering carbs and upping protein. I've tried diets I found online and managed to drop about 40 lbs over time. I eventually hired a nutritionist which I got great results from dropping to my all time low of 220 lbs, but life got in the way and I fell off multiple times gaining and losing eventually getting back to 240 lbs.
I moved to Alberta started eating just protein lost a lot of weight fast but wasn't getting the proper nutrients and eventually everything I ate made me feel sick. I moved back to Saint John got back to 240 lbs from eating like crap again.

Then I heard of the Atkins diet and started it September 11th, 2015. I went a month and a half before I had any cheat. Now I have a cheat meal once or twice a week on the weekends.
My goal is to hit 190 lbs and as of today I've dropped 42 so I'm sitting at 198. Each day I eat about 4 meals, breakfast is either 6 eggs or 10 pieces of bacon, lunch is 4 chicken thighs or 2 cups of medium ground beef or 3 pork chops, supper is one of those as well.
Detail Your Supplement Plan During Your Transformation
Only real supplements I've used consistently have been whey protein... 2 scoops after each workout. Multivitamins and Omega 3's. Ive tried different pre-workouts but they cost a lot of money and I don't find that I need them.
What Was Your Major Accomplishment, or Major Milestones?
I have 2 major accomplishments. I finally weigh under 200 lbs, and two years ago at 220 lbs I finally had my tryout match with WWE. I've since been back and was even on television for WWE Smackdown along with Adam Rose as his dancing bunny. I have been getting great reviews at another major wrestling promotion: Ring Of Honor.
Detail Your Biggest Mistakes
- Not starting to workout and eat better when I was younger, especially considering I've wanted to be a pro wrestler my entire life.
- Falling off the wagon and taking along time to get back on.
- Proper nutrition.
- That proper sleep helps.
- Not to workout too much.
- How much better I feel when I exercise.
Start now, don't wait for Monday do it now. Everyone has something to live longer for whether it being a certain goal you want to accomplish, or setting a good example for your children or even just to live longer.
I have yet to reach my final goal weight but am extremely close with only 8lbs to go.