LG Sciences Bulking Andro Kit Platinum Series
Using a stack of monster pro hormones and cofactors, the Bulking Andro Kit™ includes everything you need to get big!
- M1D Andro™ is the evolution of Methyl 1-D, our hardcore testosterone boosting pro hormone. Using 5-DHEA along with a potent aromatase inhibitor and vital co-factors, we believe that M1D Andro can boost your testosterone to the highest possible levels without using illegal means.
- 4-Androstenolone™ uses the closest legal chemical cousin to testosterone, 4-DHEA to give your body all the raw materials to make more testosterone. 4-DHEA is a throwback pro hormone to the original “ANDRO” and we theorize will have a healthy conversion to testosterone.
- 1–Androstenolone™ is a pro hormone to the leaner, cleaner cousin to testosterone, called 1-Testosterone. This hormone is best used to build lean mass and strength. A recent preliminary study showed in well trained college males, showed gains in excess of 11lbs in 30 days with significant fat loss.
- Form-XT™ combines an aromatase inhibitor along with co-factors designed to boost natural hormone production after a cycle to help you recover faster than on your own.
LG Sciences Bulking Andro Kit Directions
Week 1-4: M1D Andro Caplets 3X/Day, 1-Andro 1X/Day, 4-andro 2X/Day
Week 4-6: Form-XT 4X/Day
- M1D Andro: Take M1D 3 times per day. Take one capsule in the morning, one in the afternoon and one before bedtime. Can be taken with or without food.
- 4-Andro: Take 4-Andro 2 times per day. Take one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the afternoon. Can be taken with or without food.
- 1 Andro: Take 1-Andro 2 times per day. Take one capsule in the afternoon and one capsule before bedtime. Can be taken with or without food.
- Form-XT: Take Form-XT 4 times per day. Take one capsule in the morning, one capsule in the afternoon and two capsules before bedtime. Can be taken with or without food.
**Space your doses apart by at least 10 minutes between each product!