Fuerte Super MCT
Ambrosia Fuerte is the most powerful MCT product ever created. Most MCT oils and powders contain very little to no C8, the most effective caprylic acid. Fuerte is nearly 100% C8, which means you get more of the brain-boosting, body powering, keto enhancing benefits you want and need!
Have you ever hit a wall – meaning no matter how much you psyche yourself up, you can’t muster the energy to be your best? It can happen during the day or even during training. It has happened to me. I mix my preworkout stimulant shake, eat my carbs and BONK, I hit a wall during training.
We have always looked at energy as a two-pronged approach:
- Stimulants like caffeine that give us an immediate burst of energy followed a lot of the time by an abrupt crash requiring a nap.
- Carbohydrate since glucose is readily used by the body and brain.
But that’s not enough. After reviewing the data and experimenting on ourselves and others, my partners Mike Rashid, Sean Torbati, CT Fletcher, and I realized there are three pillars to energy:
Pillar 1: Stimulants
Pillar 2: Carbohydrate
Pillar 3: Fat
Yes, FAT! But the problem with fat is that it is slow. Fats are stored energy that your body taps into in the absence of other energy sources, like carbohydrates. We needed to find a way to use fat either alongside carbohydrates and stimulants OR as a standalone to replace carbohydrates and stimulants. The answer was clear once we discovered it – C8 MCT Oil.
C8 MCT Oil (5,000mg per serving in Fuerte) is the main component of MCT Oil derived from Coconut Oil that provides awesome benefits such as:
- Boost Body and Brain Function
- Promote Fat Loss
- Reduce Lactate Build-Up For More Reps and Sets in the Gym
- Help Use Fat for Energy
- Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels
Most MCT Oil on the market is only 10% C8 MCT Oil – and that's not enough! We sourced C8 Advantage, a PURE C8 MCT Oil. No wasted calories or upset stomach – this is the PERFECT extract you need and it is in Ambrosia Fuerte! Whether you are using C8 MCT Oil as an energy and performance enhancer for your preworkout or to optimize your ketogenic diet, Ambrosia Fuerte is what you need!
Read some more about MCT Oil by CLICKING HERE.