Core Bolic
Core Bolic
The results of several human clinical trials on this compound suggest that it may meaningfully and dose-dependently impact several key metrics in exercise performance and physiology. A recent trial on 13 healthy, exercising adults consuming either 1.3 grams of PeakO2 or placebo, for example, demonstrated significant increases to oxygen kinetics, aerobic power and time to fatigue. In the adults receiving the 1.3g of PeakO2 for three weeks, VO2max (a measure of aerobic capacity) increased by 11% as compared to 1.8% in placebo; TTE (total time to exhaustion) increased by 8.2%; and peak power increased by 10%.

The results were similar in an additional study with 40 healthy adults, provided both low and high-dose PeakO2 for 28 days and compared with placebo. In this trial, participants receiving the mushroom extract experienced statistically significant increases to both VO2max and heart-rate economy – suggesting that PeakO2’s effects are both systemic and cumulative. That is, not only does PeakO2 exert its effects on the entirety of the human cardiovascular system – likely due to the multiple mechanisms of action in the mushroom blend – but these effects accumulate over time.
These results suggest that PeakO2 may have beneficial effects on:
- Workout duration
- Time to exhaustion
- Maximum power output
- Peak strength
- Anaerobic peak power
- Oxygen utilization during exercise
- Ability to uptake oxygen
- Exercise capacity