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48 Hour President's Day Stack Sale | Going On Now!
48 Hour President's Day Stack Sale | Going On Now!

Creatine Ethyl Ester

Creatine is produced naturally in our kidneys, liver, and pancreas, but a large majority is stored in our skeletal muscle.

Creatine supplies energy to our muscles and is transported through the bloodstream. Once the creatine reaches your muscles, it is converted into creatine phosphate, which regenerates our muscles' ultimate energy source — adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. An increased ATP means you'll be able to push your body harder for longer periods of time.

Creatine ethyl ester has been suggested to cause less cramping, bloating, or water retention than any other forms of creatine. Creatine ethyl ester is creatine monohydrate with an ester attached. An ester is an organic compound that is clinically created through the reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohols. The ester molecule allows our bodies to absorb creatine faster.

Creatine monohydrate is one of the longest-studied supplements on the market, but it is absorbed poorly in the body. Its effectiveness is dependent upon your cell's ability to absorb it. Poor absorption rate means you need to ingest larger doses to achieve the desired effect. Since creatine draws water to the cell and since most ingested creatine monohydrate is not absorbed, the unabsorbed creatine sits outside of the target cell with the water... resulting in creatine bloat.

Natural Sources of Creatine

Eating fish and red meat is a great source of creatine — eating one pound of beef or salmon provides one to two grams of creatine. The International Society of Sports Nutrition advises larger athletes who train intensely that they may need to consume five to ten grams of creatine a day to maintain their stores.
This is why many athletes take a supplement to increase their energy production, improves their athletic performance, and allows them to train harder.

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