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Strength Training Cycle - 16 Week Building & Peaking Workout Program

Strength Training Cycle - 16 Week Building & Peaking Workout Program

This strength training cycle is comprised of 2 phases:
  • 8 Week Powerbuilding Stage - You will be trying to build strength and muscle while using more conventional rep ranges.
  • 8 Week Peaking Cycle - You will be trying to springboard off of the powerbuilding stage - adding more weight to the bench press, squat, and deadlift - while peaking towards a new one lift max attempt or a powerlifting meet.
The powerbuilding stage can be expanded to 16 or 24 weeks if there is no urgent need to peak.

8 Week Powerbuilding Stage

Your training schedule over the next 8 weeks will be:
  • Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
  • Day 2 - Back and Biceps
  • Day 3 - Off
  • Day 4 - Shoulders and Traps
  • Day 5 - Legs
  • Day 6 - Off
  • Day 7 - Off
Use the same weight for each set of a given exercise. When you can perform the stated number of reps per set, bump the weight.
Chest and Triceps
Powerbuilding Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Paused Bench Press  4  8
Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press  4  10
Low Cable Crossovers  4  12-15
Close Grip Bench Press  4  10
EZ Bar Cable Triceps Extensions  4  12

Back and Biceps
Powerbuilding Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Deadlifts  2  5
Dumbbells Rows  2  15
Seated Cable Rows  4  12
Lat Pull Downs or Pull Ups  4  12
Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curls  4  10
Reverse Lat Pull Downs  4  12

Shoulders and Traps
Powerbuilding Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated Overhead Press  4  8
Upright Rows  4  10
Side Laterals  4  12
Face Pulls  4  12
Power Shrugs  4  8

Powerbuilding Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Paused Squats  4  8
Leg Press  4  15
Leg Extensions  4  15
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts  4  8
Leg Curls  4  12


8 Week Strength Training Peaking Cycle

Your training schedule over the next 8 weeks will be:
  • Day 1 - Bench Day
  • Day 2 - Off
  • Day 3 - Squat/Deadlift Day
  • Day 4 - Off
  • Day 5 - Upper Body Assistance Day
  • Day 6 - Off
  • Day 7 - Off
Here's how your squat and deadlift workouts will shake out over the course of this 8 week peak.
  • Week 1 - Heavy Deadlift Day
  • Week 2 - Heavy Squat Day
  • Week 3 - Heavy Deadlift Day
  • Week 4 - Heavy Squat Day
  • Week 5 - Heavy Deadlift Day
  • Week 6 - Heavy Squat Day
  • Week 7 - Heavy Deadlift Day
  • Week 8 - Heavy Squat Day
For your lift squat days, perform the following three sets:
  • Set 1 - 75% of max for 5 reps
  • Set 2 - 67.5% of max for 8 reps
  • Set 3 - 60% of max for 12 reps

Heavy Squat Weeks

  • Week 1 - 85% of old max for 3 reps. 75% for 5 reps.
  • Week 3 - 90% of old max for 2 reps. 80% for 4 reps.
  • Week 5 - 95% of old max for 1 rep. 85% for 3 reps.
  • Week 7 - 100% of old max for 1 rep. 90% for 2 reps.

Heavy Deadlift Weeks

  • Week 1 - 85% of old max for 3 singles. 75% for 5 singles.
  • Week 3 - 90% of old max for 2 singles. 80% for 4 singles.
  • Week 5 - 95% of old max for 1 rep. 85% for 3 singles.
  • Week 7 - 100% of old max for 1 rep. 90% for 2 singles.

Bench Press Peaking Cycle

  • Week 1 - 82.5% of old max for max rep. 75% x max reps. 67.5% x max reps.
  • Week 2 - 85% of old max for max rep. 77.5% x max reps. 70% x max reps.
  • Week 3 - 87.5% of old max for max rep. 80% x max reps. 72.5% x max reps.
  • Week 4 - 90% of old max for max rep. 82.5% x max reps. 75% x max reps.
  • Week 5 - 92.5% of old max for 1 rep. 85% x max reps. 77.5% x max reps.
  • Week 6 - 95% of old max for 1 rep. 87.5% x max reps. 80% x max reps.
  • Week 7 - 97.5% of old max for 1 rep. 90% x max reps. 82.5% x max reps.
  • Week 8 - 100% of old max for 1 rep. 92.5% x 2 reps. 85% x max reps.
Heavy Deadlift Day
Peaking Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Heavy Deadlifts  * See above
Squats  3  5, 8, 12
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (Use straps)  2  10
Unilateral Leg Press  4  10
Planks  3  60 to 120 sec

Heavy Squat Day
Peaking Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Heavy Squats  * See above
Deadlifts - 70%  3  5
Superset: Leg Extensions + High Box Step-Up  3  10
Reverse Hack Squats  4  10
Ab Wheel Rollouts  3  10-15

Bench Day Day
Peaking Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press  * See above
Close Grip Bench Press  3  10
Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press  3  10
One Arm Dumbbell Rows  2  15
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press  2  10
Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down  3  12

Upper Body Assistance Day
Peaking Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated Overhead Press  3  10
Seated Cable Rows  3  10
Lat Pull Downs  3  10
Bent Over Reverse Flyes  3  10
Rope Cable Triceps Extensions  4  10
Dumbbell Curls  3  10
Previous article Build Strength With This 3 Day Powerbuilding Program