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Sacha Inchi Protein - A Perfect Choice for Vegans

Sacha Inchi Protein - A Perfect Choice for Vegans

Per Vitam's new vegan protein powder features a protein source you've likely never heard of: Sacha Inchi.

Sacha inchi (plukenetia volubilis) is also known as a Sacha peanut or Inca peanut. It is a perennial plant that is found in the Carribean, and many South American countries such as Brazil, Peru, Equador, Suriname, Colombia, Venezuela, and Bolivia. Sacha inchi grows best in very acidic soils, and close to rivers.

The sacha inchi plant grows to a height over six feet tall. It features serrated, heart-shaped leaves that are four to five inches long and three to four inches wide. These leaves feature petioles which are about one to two inches long.

Five months after being planted, the sacha inchi plant flowers. Three months after this it yields fruit-bearing seeds. Sacha inchi fruit feature four to seven points, and are three to five centimeters in diameter.

When they are first ripe, the sacha inchi fruit is blackish brown and green, and inedible. They are left to dry on the plant for an extended period of time before harvesting.

At around two years after first being planted, the fruit is dried and ready for picking. Each sacha inchi plant yields about 100 fruits, which provide approximately 400 to 500 seeds.

These inchi seeds are very high in protein. About 27% of the calories from a sacha inchi seed come from protein, while 35 to 60% is from oil/fats. This oil is extremely rich in omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9 essential fatty acids.

Sacha Inchi for Vegans

Sacha inchi seeds are a vegan (and vegetarian) superfood. Not only are they protein-rich, but the seeds are also:
  • A popular snack food
  • Rich in omega 3,6 and 9
  • Rich in vitamin A
  • Rich in vitamin E
  • High fiber
  • Easy to digest
While research on the benefits of sacha inchi is ongoing, here are some reasons you should consider including the seeds in your diet.

Joint Health - Sacha inchi may provide anti-inflammatory properties. This means it's a good proactive choice in the battle to maintain healthy joints. The omega 3 content is also good for relief of joint stiffness.

Cholesterol Regulation - Sacha inchi shows the potential to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while raising HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

Skin and Hair Health - The omega 3 content in sacha inchi seeds do wonder for human skin and hair. Omega 3 fatty acids work to maintain skin elasticity, cell hydration, provide protection against the damaging rays of the sun, and assist with the repair.

Feeling of Well Being - Seeds contain a quality amount of tryptophan which is a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin is the "well being" hormone that works to fight stress and help us maintain a sense of happiness and calm.

Vision - Vitamin E is known as the "vision vitamin." Because sacha inchi seeds are rich in vitamin E, consumption assists with eye and vision health.

Weight Regulation - The elevated serotonin levels derived from Sachi inchi's tryptophan content assist with appetite control, working to fight off unwanted food cravings.

Bone Health - Omega 3 fatty acids assist in calcium absorption. Omega 3-rich foods such as Sachi inchi seeds will help regulate proper bone density and work to maintain bone health as we age.

Brain Health - The brain is a fatty organ. Healthy fat consumption assists with brain function and cell health. The healthy omega 3, 6, and 9 fats found in sacha inchi seeds fight brain inflammation. This also bolsters the battle against depression and memory issues.

Heart Health - Sacha inchi shows promise in improving blood circulation, arterial inflammation, and in the battle against cholesterol. This relieves cardiovascular stress, allowing for a happier and healthier heart.

Diabetes - The omega 3 content in sacha inchi seeds work to regulate and control glucose levels. Some research indicates that omega 3 fatty acids may actually work to improve insulin resistance and help in the battle against type 2 diabetes.

Sacha Inchi and Per Vitam's Vegan Protein Powder

Vegan ProteinClick here to order Per Vitam's great tasting Vegan Protein now.

One of the challenges of a vegan diet - especially for active vegans and vegans interested in looking their best and maintain an athletic, fit and muscular body - is taking in enough daily protein.

Per Vitam's Vegan Protein powder is a perfect, high-quality choice. Not only does it contain sacha inchi and 21 grams of protein per scoop, but Per Vitam Vegan Protein also features:
  • Healthy fats from Clean Cream?
  • All natural flavor and sweetener
  • Smooth Protein? as an included protein source
  • Unbelievably satisfying chocolate flavor
  • No artificial additives
Per Vitam Vegan Protein contains three high-quality protein including Smooth Protein? - a high-yielding source of protein, pea protein, and sacha inchi. Per Vitam Vegan Protein also includes Clean Cream? for healthy fats and uses all natural flavors and sweeteners.
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