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Creatine Banned? New York Legislature Proposes New Law

Creatine Banned? New York Legislature Proposes New Law

The supplement industry is riddled with horrendous recommendations based on outdated broscience and "expert opinions." However, nothing could have prepared the industry for the latest piece of legislation to roll out from the state of New York.

In case you haven't heard the news yet, the New York state legislature has introduced a bill that would essentially ban the sale of creatine to any person under 18 years of age. As if that's not enough, the bill also stipulates that any retailer who does not check for ID from anyone who "looks under the age of 25" will receive a substantial fine. [1]

Related - Find the Best Creatine Products for Your Needs

You're not seeing things, the most heavily research and popular supplement next to whey protein is facing a ban in the Big Apple!

Democrat assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal introduced Bill #A04712 on February 3, 2017 that reads:

"Prohibits any retail establishment from selling dietary supplements that contain creatine to individuals under eighteen years of age; provides that any retail establishment in violation shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars per violation."

Basis for the Creatine Ban Bill

How does such a bill even get started?

Legislators used a recently published "study" in Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics as the primary (and possibly sole) basis for the bill. The team of researchers behind the paper stated in the Objective that: [2]

"Our objective was to determine to what extent health food stores would recommend and/or sell creatine and testosterone boosters to a 15-year-old boy customer."

The researchers only contacted 244 health food stores for the study, and rather than investigate actual sales volume to minors, they simply conducted phone interviews with sales associates to see what supplements they "recommend" for teenage boy athletes.
Based on this, researchers concluded:

"Health food store employees frequently recommend creatine and testosterone boosters for boy high school athletes. In response to these findings, pediatricians should inform their teenage patients, especially athletes, about safe, healthy methods to improve athletic performance and discourage them from using creatine or testosterone boosters. Retailers and state legislatures should also consider banning the sale of these products to minors."

Supplement Industry Expert Responds

Following the bill's introduction, President & CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) Steven Mister issued a statement which read:

"Dietary supplements, including creatine, can play a valuable role in supporting healthy lifestyles for people of all ages, and it is especially important for younger populations...such as adolescents and discuss their dietary supplement use with their parents, coaches, doctors or other healthcare practitioners...

There is no known safety issue that would prevent healthy people from using creatine. Out of an overabundance of caution, some companies that manufacture creatine have noted on the product labels that it is not recommended for people under the age of 18. This recommendation is to encourage responsible use by its consumers; this does not suggest any safety concerns. However, extreme measures, such as putting something behind a counter, will only make a product more enticing for that specific population looking to be protected and unnecessarily limit access and availability for all consumers." [3]

Call to Action!

Numerous studies have shown that creatine is safe (and even beneficial) for children, adolescent, and adults. This bill is based on outdated science and needs to be quashed.

How do you feel about the proposed creatine ban? Leave your thoughts below!
1) "New York State Assembly | Bill Search and Legislative Information." New York State Assembly Home,
2) "Dietary Supplements and Young Teens: Misinformation and Access Provided by Retailers | Articles | Pediatrics." Table of Contents ? April 01, 2017, 139 (4) | Pediatrics,
3) "Safe Supplement Use in Teenagers Requires Education, Opening a Dialogue with Parents, Coaches, Doctors | Council for Responsible Nutrition." Home | Council for Responsible Nutrition,
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