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Cera-Q - The Anti-Aging Supplement From a Silkworm

Cera-Q - The Anti-Aging Supplement From a Silkworm

Getting old sucks. From the physical standpoint, our metabolism slows down, muscle gain and fat loss become more difficult, and joints stiffen. From the cognition standpoint, our forgetfulness increases, it becomes more difficult to learn new tasks, and our brain physically shrinks in volume.

In the early 2000s, a group of researchers from South Korea began exploring all-natural compounds that could fight brain aging and discovered one of the most unlikely heroes - the silkworm. Specifically, the cocoon of the species Bombyx mori.

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As we age, harmful protein called beta-amyloid plaque builds up in the brain. This plaque degrades neuron membrane receptors, blocks cell-to-cell signaling, and increase whole-body inflammation. [1] Researchers currently believe the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques is the primary cause of Alzheimer's, the most common neurodegenerative disease on the planet.

Cera-Q is a protein hydrolysate extracted from fibroin, the major protein in silkworm cocoons. [2] Traditional Korean medicine has prescribed silkworm fibroin for centuries to improve health and longevity. This protein's high glycine and alanine content (~75% of the total amino acid composition), paired with a unique molecular structure, offers the unique advantage of binding to and preventing the buildup of amyloid plaque in the human brain. [3][4]

In addition to fighting against beta-amyloid plaque buildup, Cera-Q can also increase glucose uptake to the brain which provides energy and support during both simple and complex cognitive tasks. [5] Multiple studies on humans, animals, and cells verify Cera-Q potency and efficacy as an anti-aging compound for the brain.

The process for isolating Cera-Q is somewhat complex. Researchers place the silkworm cocoon in a mixture containing water and proprietary enzymes to isolate the fibroin protein found into a combination of short chains of amino acids called peptides. [2] After isolating the protein in hydrolysate form, the mixture is dried to eliminate the water so that only the protein remains.

The result is Cera-Q powder. Cera-Q is a water-soluble tan to yellowish-tan powder with greater than 65% protein and less than 10% moisture by weight, a semi-sweet taste like the amino acid L-glycine, and a shelf life of up to two years. [4]

Cera-Q Uses

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To fight aging and cognitive decline the manufacturers of Cera-Q recommend a dosage of 200mg to 400mg per day divided across two to three servings. [6] One study found minor benefit with a dosage as low as 10mg per day but most research uses a daily 200mg to 400mg dosage. The dosage varies slightly based on the desired application of Cera-Q, characteristics of the end user, and other ingredients that may be included in a supplement containing Cera-Q.

Higher doses offer a greater benefit when consumed for a short period but also carry a higher cost. A lower dose is more cost-efficient and beneficial when consumed chronically for a longer period but may not offer the immediate benefits seen with higher doses.

You can purchase Cera-Q Silk Protein Hydrolysate as a single ingredient supplement or as a part of a multi-ingredient blend in gummy chews, beverage, shot, powder, tablet, and capsule forms. [6] There is a form of Cera-Q for your regardless of how you prefer to take your supplements.

Cera-Q also works synergistically with caffeine when consumed together in a one to one ratio. 200 to 400mg of each compound can improve brain circulation, deliver more glucose to the brain, release more fatty acids, and create a blood pressure neutral environment. [4] Cera-Q decreases blood pressure whereas caffeine increases blood pressure.

Cera-Q Benefits

Studies on animals and human cells confirm silk protein hydrolysate's ability to fight against harmful beta-amyloid plaques that build up in the brain as we age. Cera-Q also reduces the amount of dead tissue resulting after ischemia, an event in which a vital organ (usually the heart) or body part receives an inadequate blood supply.

Researchers injected beta-amyloid protein in the hippocampal region of rat brains and then provided 5 to 10mg per kilogram of bodyweight oral doses of Cera-Q to rats for two continuous weeks. The beta-amyloid protein reduced acetylcholine levels in the brain by 45%. Just 5 to 10mg of Cera-Q per kilogram of bodyweight restored acetylcholine levels to between 78 and 80% of the levels found in the control population. [7]

Low levels of acetylcholine significantly impair learning, memory, and cognitive function. A study on human cells found that administering Cera-Q two hours prior to administering beta-amyloid protein normalized cell appearance and prevented 85% of cell death compared to the control group. [8] Beta-amyloid protein buildup in the brain paired with high rates of cell death expedites the aging process and neurodegeneration.

Cera-Q exhibits antioxidant properties through its ability to protect against reactive oxygen species. High levels of reactive oxygen species in the body hamper our immune system and increase inflammation. Reactive oxygen species levels were 65% lower in cells receiving Cera-Q after receiving beta-amyloid proteins and just 15% higher than the control cells receiving no beta-amyloid proteins. [8]

As we age we also experience an increased likelihood of insufficient blood supply to vital organs. Researchers blocked the middle carotid artery of rats and then provided them with a 10mg per kilogram dose of Cera-Q daily or placebo for seven days.

Rats receiving Cera-Q had a smaller area of dead tissue around the area damaged insufficient blood supply, experienced a smaller loss of neurons, and improved memory compared to the control group. [9] Silk protein hydrolysates in the form of Cera-Q may become a staple compound in fighting against heart attacks and Alzheimer's.

A sharp mind and lucid memory is critical for fighting the aging process. The studies on Cera-Q consumption in humans found that it benefits the memory and learning capabilities of children, adults, and seniors.

In 2004, 53 healthy Korean females and 13 healthy Korean males with an average age of 42 consumed either 0mg, 200mg, or 400mg of Cera-Q daily for three weeks. These individuals then completed Digit Symbol Test portion the Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. [10] The Digit Symbol Test is a variation of number memorization used to measure brain damage, dementia, age, and depression. [11]

Individuals consuming placebo did not show improvement over baseline but those consuming 200mg and 400mg of Cera-Q increased their scores by 11.3% and 22.2%, respectively. [12] These results are staggering after just three weeks of supplementation.

A larger study of 99 healthy Korean adults asked individuals to consume 0mg placebo, 200mg, or 400mg of Cera-Q daily for three weeks and perform the Rey-Kim Memory Test. [13] This test measures both auditory and visual memory. [14] The placebo group experienced no improvements but both Cera-Q groups experienced significant improvements in memory maintenance as measured by word recall in a dose dependent manner. [13]

This means that the 400mg group had superior improvements in word recall compared to the 200mg group. The 200mg and 400mg groups also improved memory recall efficiency by 90% and 60%, respectively, compared to their intra-group baseline. [13] The baseline memory recall efficiency was higher for those in the 400mg group compared to the 200mg group.

This 99-person study also examined everyone's memory quotient (MQ) and found the pre-study average to be 105. [13] Memory quotient assesses memory for content, location, and sequence as measured by questions related to short-term recall and recognition of both meaningful and abstract material. [15] A low memory quotient indicates diminished or impaired memory and logic.

At the end of the study researchers found that those in the placebo group increased their memory quotient by 3% but those in the 200mg and 400mg Cera-Q groups increased their memory quotient by a staggering 12% and 21%, respectively. [13] Keeping a sharp memory is critical for fighting the aging process and silk protein hydrolysate may be one of the most potent substance to help you do so.
1) "Alzheimer's Brain Plaques." Alzheimer's Association, 2016, Accessed Dec. 2016.
2) "Cera-Q: FAQS." Cera-Q, 2016, Accessed Dec. 2016.
3) "Cera-Q - Function. Focus. Freedom." Novel Ingredients, July 2016, Accessed Dec. 2016.
4) Cera-Q Silk Protein Hydrolysate Brain Effects & Human Clinical Studies White Paper. Novel Ingredients, 2016. Accessed Dec. 2016.
5) "Cera-Q: How It Works." Cera-Q, 2016, Accessed Dec. 2016.
6) "Cera-Q: Products and Applications." Cera-Q, Accessed Dec. 2016.
7) Kim DK, Kang YK, Lee MY, Lee KG, Yeo JH, Lee WB, Kim YS, Kim SS. Neuroprotection and enhancement of learning and memory by BF-7. J Health Sci 2005; 51(3):317-324.
8) Chae HS, Kang YK, Shin YK, Lee HJ, Yu JI, Lee KG, Yeo JH, Kim YS, Sohn DS, Kim KY, Lee WB, Lee SH, Kim SS. The role of BF-7 on neuroprotection and enhancement of cognitive function. Kor J Physiol Pharmacol 2004 Aug; 8:173-179.
9) Lee JY, Lee SH, Sung JJ, Kim ET, Cho HJ, Kim KH, Kang YK, Kim SS, Kwon OS, Lee WB. [The effect of BF-7 on the ischemia-induced learning and memory deficits]. Kor J Anat 2005; 38(2):181-188. Korean
10) Lee et al.,[BF-7 improved memory function and protected neurons from oxidative stress]. Kor J Phys Anthropol 2004c; 17(4):313-320. Korean
11) "Digit/Symbol Coding Test." Cognitive Atlas, National Institute of Mental Health, 2016, Accessed Dec. 2016.
12) Lee et al.,[BF-7 improved memory function and protected neurons from oxidative stress]. Kor J Phys Anthropol 2004c; 17(4):313-320. Korean
13) Kim et al., Neuroprotection and enhancement of learning and memory by BF-7. J Health Sci 2005; 51(3):317-324.
14) Na, Kyoung-Sae et al. "Mediating Effects of Cognitive Effort and Depression on Intelligence, Memory, and Executive Functions in Individuals with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury." Psychiatry Investigation 11.2 (2014): 112-118. PMC. Web. Dec. 2016.
15) "Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test (UNIT)." Eastern Washington University, 2016, Accessed Dec. 2016.
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