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Sunflower Seed Butter - Nutritional Breakdown

Sunflower Seed Butter - Nutritional Breakdown

Sunflower seed butter is a relatively new concept in the nutrition marketplace. Some see it as a smarter alternative to peanut butter, while others want to avoid activating a nut-allergy. 

You can eat sunflower seed butter like you consume peanut butter: add it to some toast, put it on a banana, or even eat it straight.

The only difference is a relative taste contrast with sunflower seed butter being a bit thicker. Therefore, it is often blended with a touch of oil to create a smooth and spreadable texture. 

According to medical and nutrition professionals, sunflower seed butter is not only high in protein - it is also rich in micronutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, and others, along with a variety of healthy fats. One tablespoon contains around three grams of protein, helping with muscle growth and satiation. When paired with carbs, it provides a sustained energy source optimal for training and overall activity.

Facts About Sunflower Butter

Now, one tablespoon of this paste on average contains:

  • 93 calories
  • 4.4 grams carbohydrates
  • 3 grams protein
  • 7.6 grams fat
  • 3.6 mg vitamin E (24% DV)
  • 0.3 mg manganese (17% DV)
  • 0.3 mg copper (15% DV)
  • 59 mg magnesium (15% DV)
  • 118 mg phosphorus (12% DV)
  • 0.8 mg zinc (6% DV)

Nutrient Breakdown

  • Vitamin E: This potent antioxidant helps protect cells from damaging free radicals. Free radicals wreak havoc on your immune system and raise inflammatory markers within the blood, contributing to chronic disease. Signs of chronic inflammation can be related to high blood pressure or LDL cholesterols levels. 
  • Magnesium: Our body needs magnesium not only to produce energy but to fight inflammation, conduct nerve impulses, and improve insulin sensitivity amongst a host of other physiological reactions. Even the heart muscle depends on magnesium to contract and relax the vessels around it. It also actively contributes to sound sleep at night and optimal hormone levels.
  • Selenium: Selenium is a core nutrient of sunflower seeds and an element particularly crucial for the activity of glutathione peroxidases - molecules with potent antioxidant effects.
  • Copper: Copper is involved in various physiological reactions linked to energy production, neural functioning, and iron metabolism. 
  • *Phytosterols: The reason for that asterisk is simple - phytosterols are a type of nutrient but are not considered vitamins or minerals. They originate in plants and are similar to cholesterol in chemical makeup. Still, there is growing recognition for their role in our health. Experts recommend getting enough phytosterols because they aid in lowering cholesterol levels while boosting the immune system.

The rich micronutrient profile in sunflower seed butter aids in a host of physiological processes within the body- balancing cholesterol levels, increasing our immunity, and fighting inflammation to name a few. In that manner, one tablespoon of this organic butter makes for a perfect pre and post-workout supplement or anytime snack. 

It is important to note most sunflower seed butter products can potentially contain excessive amounts of sugar and other unhealthy additives. Just check the nutrition label before casually tossing it into your shopping cart.

Are There Any Risks Of Consuming Sunflower Seed Butter?

Just like most of the nuts and seeds, this butter is relatively high in omega-6 fats, which can destabilize your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. Omega-6 fatty acids are not completely bad, but having them in excess is not optimal for your health. Nonetheless, this is much preferable to sunflower seed oil which contains polyunsaturated fats that are heated and processed. So, continue to consume omega-3 rich nutrition such as wild fish and grass-fed beef to boost not only your recovery but fight inflammation as well. Throwing back some fish oil supplementation is another way to even out your omega ratios.

Recipes With Sunflower Seed Butter

Sunflower seed butter is a fun ingredient to experiment within the kitchen because of its versatility in baking and food pairing. It can be utilized in everyday snack recipes while also being to the foundation of ethnic cuisines. Below are some recipe concepts to check out.

  • Sunflower Sweet N’ Salty Bites - This is a simple homemade snack you can create yourself. It is excellent as a pre and post-workout meal and is made with sunflower seed butter and coconut.
  • Sunflower Muffins - If you are a fan of gluten-free muffins, you can design your sunflower seed muffins as the perfect breakfast option. The butter will add great flavor and enrich its nutritional value.
  • Sunflower Sushi Rolls - These are nut-free rolls, which are a fun alternative to sandwiches and look like sushi. 
  • Pumpkin Sunflower Seed Pudding - This recipe offers the perfect way to start your day with the rich flavor of pumpkin. Just like chia pudding using chia seeds, sunflower seeds make for a healthy and tasty breakfast option.
  • Homemade Sunflower Granola Bars - These homemade granola bars will delight your tongue and make you crave for more. You can combine the butter with fruits such as mulberries, cashews, ripe bananas, and protein powder.

When using sunflower seed butter in recipes, we recommend adding a small dose of sweetener for flavoring. Also, make sure to use roasted seeds if you are creating the butter yourself - they are essential for releasing the natural oils.

Sunflower Seed Butter Protein Bar?

Whether because of allergy or preference, this butter is a great choice and can be easily implemented into your daily nutrition.

Our team at Tiger Fitness is proud to announce the new Sunflower Seed Butter Outright Bar - a unique flavor variation packing all the rich nutrients of this organic butter into one easy bite. It provides the perfect whole-food snack fit for any active or nutritional lifestyle and a taste that will be loved by all!

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