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Transformation: Skinny Shreenath Ganesh Bulks Up!

Transformation: Skinny Shreenath Ganesh Bulks Up!

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What Was Your Life Like Before Your Transformation?

I have always been this skinny kid who doesn't eat properly. But I was athletic and that lead even more to my skinny look.

Over time i developed a form of eating disorder where I would never have the feeling to eat something, and simply skip meals. Because of this, I developed all sorts of problems. One to be noted was a severe vitamin deficiency. You can see this in the skin color of my before pic.

I have always been teased. I was this skinny kid who wasn't capable of anything.

Please Detail Your Turning Point

Weighing in at 110 lbs during my first year of college (2009). I thought I had to do something about it but was lazy and afraid to take a step.

This fitness journey of mine didn't start because of any insecurities, as most people experience, before getting hooked on to it. But rather because of my close friends joining the gym. It was initially the ego that my friends got bigger and that me being skinny which got me into it.
Shreenath Bulks Up!

What Were Your Major Struggles or Challenges?

As most people experience, I was just f***ing around for one to one and a half years in the gym. Going with my friends and doing crazy ****, but I did grow.

This made me feel more confident and made me think that I'm capable of anything. So I started to take protein shakes, eggs in the beginning and also ate a ton of food. The major drawback which came with that was me gaining a ton of weight/ fat. This was hard for me to lose.

This is the biggest mistake I had ever made, which to this day I regret. Being from India, no one knows about if it fits your macros (IIFYM), nor was it popular back then. It was all bro stuff and I did pretty much did everything wrong.

Now I have realized the mistakes and have learned from them. I'm still making mistakes but it's not as worse as before. Everything I have learned was learned the hard way.

Detail Your Workout and Cardio Plan During Your Transformation
Shreenath TransformationI have slowly increased the volume over the years. First two years it was four days a week, Next two years was five days a week, and now for the past six months it's six days a week.

Usual routine is:
  • Push/pull/legs - POWER
  • Rest day
  • Push/pull/legs - Hypertrophy
No cardio apart from my daily activities.

Detail Your Diet/Eating Plan During Your Transformation

I wouldn't say that I ate particular food along the way, but I will just list the macros I have been on until now.

As I'm bulking right now my calories are around 2600-2800 per day. When cutting I start at 2400 calories with 2 days of cardio and adjust from then on.

Detail Your Supplement Plan During Your Transformation
What Was Your Major Accomplishment, or Major Milestones?

I have still not thought about competing even though it's somewhere in the back of my head. But the biggest achievement for me is the physical and mental improvements I've had, when I compare myself now to where I was back then.

Detail Your 3 Biggest Mistakes
  1. Going on the Lee Priest bulk initially.
  2. Not giving enough time to grow.
  3. Impatient in losing weight.
3 Biggest Things You Learned During Your Transformation?
  1. Patience.
  2. Consistency.
  3. What workout volume works best for me.
Final Words of Advice for Others Looking to Make a Change?

Patience, consistency, determination as anyone would say are the key. Also, learn to figure out your exact maintenance calories also.

This transformation is one of the greatest achievements of my life. I hope I can inspire at least a single member to transform themselves through this.

Thank you Tiger Fitness for the platform to share my story and thank you Marc. You are one of the best entrepreneurs out there and you inspire me every single day. Been subscribed since mid 2012 and I hope to get a workout in with you one day.
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