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99 Funny & Frightening Bodybuilding Fashion Pics From the 1980s
#1 - Mr. Zebra Pants and Mr. Banana Hammock.

#2 - Hanky bandana on fleek.

#3 - Shorts so tight, but they feel so right!

#4 - Little known fact: During his early years the Hamburglar was a female bodybuilding coach.

#5 - Well this picture isn't awkward at all.

#6 - Human jelly bean performing intense bicep curls.

#7 - When your shorts split the difference and it nearly brings a tear to your eye.

#8 - Serious mall hair and poofy pants - you got the look!

#9 - Flex-a-Tron McHeadband with the Gold's gym tag team.

#10 - Nothing compliments a good pair of acid-washed jeans better than playing card suspenders.

#11 - Feather hair, super mullet, but that red wife beater tho.

#12 - Oh... It feels so good! I'm a manics! A maniac!

#13 - Here son! Curls for the girls! Big, potent, 12 ounce curls.

#14 - Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! We are the Wango Tango clan here to see the 80s ladies!

#15 - Slick McNulty here! Who wants to stroke my sexy pants!

#16 - This is what happens when you combine amazing genetics with really bad 80s hair.

#17 - Zebra stripes on zebra stripes with a side order or pink zebra stripes.

#18 - Red, white and booyah!

#19 - You! Yes, you! Can't handle the heat of this outfit? get out of the gym!

#20 - No comment can match the epicness of this image.

#21 - I think this whole Indian leather jacket and matching faux fur bikini look is actually working here.

#22 - The V-cut in those shorts get any higher and Cheech and Chong might just stop by for a workout.

#23 - Trouser nipple. 'Nuff said.

#24 - Beezle and Bozzle rocking that slick fanny pack game.

#25 - Matching 1980s bumble bee attire WHILE performing donkey squats. Priceless!

#26 - Oh. My. Gawd! What in the heck am I feeling on my lower back????

#27 - Arnold Schwarzenegger teaching sex education?

#28 - The fluffy marshmallow crew rocking those sweet 80's hair dos.

#29 - Como estas? Let's get this part started! Crank up the Culture Club!

#30 - And then this happened.

#31 - Toss in a couple mustaches and a beard and you have one heckuva Gold's gym bash session.

#32 - Bonus points are given for the best mane.

#33 - The old short-sleeved leather trench coat look.

#34 - Come hither and take a whiff.

#35 - The suspenders add that memorable touch.

#36 - Rug candal or drug scandal? Either way we're back to sweet suspender action.

#37 - Eww! That's freaking gross. I mean the yellow shorts!

#38 - Smooth... Like a baby's butt with a lucky rabbit's foot earring.

#39 - Hmmmmmm? Androgynous.

#40 - Like my fanny package?

#41 - Come with me if you want to lift.

#42 - Meet my 2 biceps: Herp and derp.

#43 - Watchoo looking at son? A red t-shirt makes the best under-sweater garment.

#44 - That awkward moment when you perform a slight lean to the right to prevent your dog from taking off during the middle of your epic picture.

#45 - Windshield glasses for days.

#46 - I heart sports and fitness!

#47 - Looks legit.

#48 - Something's eating something in this picture.

#49 - Ho! Ho! Holy crap look at those pants.

#50 - Mr. and Mrs. McPickle ready for a night out at da club.

#51 - Hey ladies, look at that amazing bicepticon!

#52 - That awkward moment when you tuck your junk northward.

#53 - HAHAHAHAHA! My hair can kick your arse!

#54 - In 2016, this is considered a desired physique.

#55 - Better Bodies gainz from the 80s.

#56 - This is a fashion victim masterpiece.

#57 - I don't know what's more epic - The pig tails or the yellow posting suit.

#58 - Abs. That is all. And white teeth.

#59 - I think she nailed the 1980s makeup.

#60 - Is this "Ask Scooby" 35 years ago?

#61 - When she has more camel toe than he has moose knuckles.

#62 - The funky triangle graphic may have very well been the crowning glory of someone's design career.

#63 - Well this isn't awkward at all, is it?

#64 - Top bodz and small... Um, nevermind.

#65 - Hey boiiiiiiiii! What in God's name is he wearing?

#66 - I slay Q-bert.

#67 - Stretch Armstrong? Is that you!?!?

#68 - A picture so amazing that words can't even begin to describe it.

#69 - Seeking those gray sweats bulge gains.

#70 - Leather vest and perky nipples. Yee haw!

#71 - Just heading to a Cyndi Lauper concert!

#72 - Even Dorian Yates lived through the 1980s.

#73 - Well this isn't awkward or abnormal in any way.

#74 - This out to get us laid bro.

#75 - What the living bleep! Did you just fart?

#76 - So much 80s class.

#77 - Are those dead animals on their heads, or is this just a Mad Max movie?

#78 - What ya got in dat dere fanny pack broseph?

#79 - Hey girl! You don't even lift! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

#80 - Bro, the only thing I see are those raccoon eyes. Tanning fail.

#81 - Yup. So much win in this photo.

#82 - Tom Platz, dazed and confused. Apparently.

#83 - Make sure to always tuck your stringer tank top into your radioactively electric poofy pants.

#84 - Winning life by rocking the best 80s rocker haircuts you will ever see.

#85 - Apparently, it's back!

#86 - Is that dude wearing some form of a sports bra?

#87 - Hair gains. Hair gains.

#88 - Jesse the Body with Better Weider. So much 80s, so much hair!

#89 - Um... "Roid's"?

#90 - Just out for a jog, not caring if my testicles fall out of my short shorts.

#91 - When it takes 3 hours to prep your hair for a photoshoot.

#92 - Spring into a beautiful body and pants straight out of the movie Tron.

#93 - Pfffft. He might have an amazing arm but look at these locks.

#94 - Insert WTF here.

#95 - Um... Yeah.

#96 - Disturbing.

#97 - I really have no clue what to say here.

#98 - Um. Sexy is the only thought that comes to mind. And zebra print. definitely zebra print.

#99 - Iron Maiden, do you even lift?