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4 Causes of Low Testosterone That Destroy Your Health

4 Causes of Low Testosterone That Destroy Your Health

The 1980s were the golden era of testosterone-filled actions movies. Sylvester Stallone and Rambo. Arnold Schwarzenegger and The Terminator, Commando, and Predator. Bruce Willis and Die Hard.

Jean-Claude Van Damme. Mel Gibson. Chuck Norris. Steven Seagal. The big screen was dripping with hot, sweaty, macho action heroes who were kicking butt and taking names. It was a motivating time. Men (and women) would leave theaters feeling inspired to venture out into the world and take control.

Get out of my way! Coming through!

Related: 9 Best Methods to Increase Testosterone Naturally

But let's not forget the squared circle. Professional wrestling was in its hay day. We had Hulk Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior, Jimmy Snuka, Rocky Johnson, Jesse Ventura, the Road Warriors, and dozens upon dozens of other stars with powerful physiques and testosterone-fueled personas.

Today, most of the fans of these action flicks and wrestling shenanigans have low testosterone, or "low T" as we call it. They are knowingly, or unknowingly, suffering the side effects - some of them grave - that come from a decline of these potent and vital hormone.

Let's get something straight though... Low testosterone isn't just a condition that impacts men over the age of 40. One in four men over 30 has low testosterone. [1] That's a whopping 25%. Digging deeper, we find that testosterone levels in men have been steadily declining over the course of the last two decades. [2]

Thomas G. Travison, Ph.D., the lead author of this study, remarked:

?In 1988, men who were 50 years old had higher serum testosterone concentrations than did comparable 50-year-old men in 1996. This suggests that some factor other than age may be contributing to the observed declines in testosterone over time.?

Low Testosterone

Is Low Testosterone Really That Bad?

Let's address the obvious question here. Is low testosterone really something we need to be concerned about? Or is it all hype created by clever marketers meant to drive men to their doctors for (yet another) prescription. The answer...

Low testosterone levels are REALLY that bad.

Testosterone is a potent male sex hormone. It assists with maintaining proper bone density and muscularity, among many other things. Low testosterone levels can contribute to:
  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Diminished sex drive
  • Decrease in libido
  • Infertility (sperm production)
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Lower energy
  • Mood issues and depression
  • Loss of hair
  • Poor body composition (loss of muscle mass/fat distribution)
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Red blood cell production
  • Hot flashes
  • Cholesterol metabolism issues
  • Sleep disturbances
The lowering of testosterone levels is a serious condition, and that's a bit of an understatement. If you believe you are experiencing a decrease in your natural testosterone levels, please consult a physician as soon as possible. The overall impact of low testosterone on longevity is of major concern.

Do not wait. Be proactive.

4 Major Causes of Health-Destroying Low Testosterone

Cause #1 - Obesity, or Fat Gain

Obesity and fat gain are two primary facilitators of a vicious, life-threatening loop. Men with low testosterone levels struggle to a greater degree in fighting off fat gain. So, a lowering of testosterone levels inevitably leads to more body fat.

In addition, weight gain often leads to a lowering of testosterone levels. Being obese reduces levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This essential protein carries testosterone in the blood. A decrease in SHBG results in a decrease of bodily testosterone levels.

Cause #2 - Too Much Alcohol

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Alcohol not only lowers inhibitions, but it also lowers your testosterone levels.

A few drinks are nothing to be concerned about. Having a social mixer or beer several times a week isn't going to cripple your hormones and sex drive. However, if you drink heavily several times per week then it's time to change your habits. Not only will this amount of alcohol consumption crush your liver and impact your productivity, but it will also contribute to a host of health issues as a result of decreasing test levels.

The metabolism of ethanol drives down the amount of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, known as the coenzyme NAD+, inside the testes and liver. NAD+ plays a vital role in the production of testosterone. Therefore, the more you drink, the lower your NAD+. The lower your NAD+, the lower your testosterone levels.

Cause #3 - Type 2 Diabetes

Food choices matter. Even if you have a fast metabolism, and can seemingly eat whatever you want whenever you want, junk food and processed food choices are slowly chipping away at your health.

What might be harmless IIFYM (if it fits your macros) now could potentially lead to a greater degree of insulin sensitivity, or possibly type 2 diabetes. Youth masks a lot of the ways we abuse our bodies. For now. But it almost always catches up to us, unless we happen to be genetic freaks.

Type 2 diabetes is no exception.

For those of you that have type 2 diabetes already, know this. A 2004 study found that one-third of men with type 2 diabetes had low free testosterone levels. [3] Researchers also noticed that the pituitary glands of these men weren't able to produce enough luteinizing hormone, which is the trigger for testosterone production in the testes.

Play the long game. Eat clean not just to fend off type 2 diabetes, but also to help maintain proper testosterone levels. This is a double hammer of success that can only work to benefit longevity.

Cause #4 - Aging

Not much you can do here. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. This breaking news story just in! We all age.

The average adult male has a testosterone level between 270 to 1,070 ng/dL. After the age of thirty this decreases by about one percent each year. The average adult female has test levels between 15 to 70 nd/dL.

Women tend to experience declining estrogen levels after menopause. This makes a female's androgen levels comparatively higher. While having a higher testosterone to estrogen level can cause minor side effects, such as possible issues with infertility and minor hair loss, if a woman's testosterone levels are low the side effects are worse.

Weak bones. Low libido. And a host of other health problems that go along with a testosterone deficiency.

The best way to combat aging is through consistent physical activity and a quality diet. Don't sweat the small stuff, meaning don't worry about which form of exercise you do. Just get moving. As for diet, stick to most clean, healthy, unprocessed food choices. It doesn't matter so much what specific foods you eat, as long as the choices are quality.

Exercise and diet will work to slow the aging process.

How to Raise Your Testosterone Levels

This is the subject of thousands of articles, and right fully so. Low testosterone is a deadly condition. It slowly kills, sucking the life out of you with each new day and year.

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While there are many small things you can do to raise your levels, the best natural ways to tackle low testosterone are obvious.
  • Exercise
  • Eat right
  • Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol
  • Get enough sleep
That's pretty much it. Not exactly rocket surgery, but the advice your family doctor has been telling you for years.

It's also a wise investment to back up your healthy eating and exercise with a quality testosterone booster and libido enhancer like Insurgent. MTS Nutrition CEO Marc Lobliner states,

"After months of perfecting the perfect male-enhancement formula with a whopping PROVEN 20% increase in testosterone and validated aphrodisiac, health and performance benefits, MTS Nutrition Insurgent is something you will NEED to take!"

1)  "1 in 4 Men Over 30 Has Low Testosterone." ABC News,
2) "Testosterone Levels in Men Decline Over Past Two Decades, Study Shows | Endocrine Society." Home | Endocrine Society,
3) "The Link Between Low Testosterone and Diabetes | Everyday Health.",
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