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All Orders Over $79
I am Marc Lobliner, CEO of MTS Nutrition.
MTS Nutrition is more than just a supplement line to me. It's my story. It has a meaning and a purpose. Each MTS Nutrition product embodies my passion for health and fitness, and echoes the struggles of my past and the lives that my products help to change on a daily basis.
My MTS Nutrition products were created to be the highest possible quality, while also providing you with the best taste. Quality control and truth to label are important to me, which is rare in the sports nutrition industry.
MTS Nutrition assures its customer that they are receiving the most advanced and adequately dosed ingredients with NO proprietary blends. The reason? So you know exactly what you're taking, and that each supplement is as effective as possible.
MTS Nutrition Machine Whey has set the new standard for whey protein combining ground-breaking flavor systems such as Cookies & Cream and Red Velvet Cake with 3rd party verified label claims testing. Likewise, all MTS Nutrition supplements such as Ruckus and Machine Fuel have taken performance and taste to heights never seen before. We also created the most perfect snack, The Outright Bar.
MTS Nutrition is here to help you reach your goals. By providing expert diet and training advice, personalized customer service and effective supplements that people look forward to taking, MTS Nutrition is the present and the future of sports nutrition!
In 2001 when I met Marc Lobliner, I weighed 380 pounds. He and I formed an instant friendship that has lasted now for 15 years.
In 2008, I almost died. I went to the hospital in the morning on April 2nd with a massive infection that had started to shut down my internal systems. The mortality rate for those in my condition that checked into the hospital was 30
percent. Had I waited another 12 hours, the mortality rate would have been 70 percent.
Over the next month, as I fought this illness, I came to the realization that things had to change.
One of the causal factors was that I was morbidly obese. Another was that my stress levels were through the roof. Both combined to lower my resistance and create a situation where an odd, as yet unidentified bacteria was able to nearly kill me.
After recovery, I began searching for a way to become healthy. I tried doing it myself, I tried fad diets and fad workouts, all with no real success.
On August 10th, 2011, I emailed Marc and asked him for help. I didn't really believe that anything could change, but Marc told me in a phone call a week later to give his program a try, but not to expect anything to happen overnight. On September 1st, my life really did change.
When I started with Marc, I weighed 341 pounds, was pre-hypertensive, had borderline cholesterol, a resting heart rate in the 80s, my triglycerides were through the roof, and I could barely climb a flight of stairs without nearly passing out.
Over the first three years working with Marc, I lost more than 100 pounds, triglycerides became low normal, cholesterol is low normal, my blood pressure averages 105/59 and my resting heart rate is 50. I have kept all of my weight
off since then and now participate in bicycle endurance events as well as running events (all while continuing to lift).
It was NOT easy. I went through periods of physical, mental and even spiritual pain and anguish. Days where I didn't want to go on, weeks and months where I suffered from panic attacks, injuries and depression were common. But Marc pushed me through and it was ALL worth it.
It is a whole new world for me. In the summer of 2017, the goal is to participate in a multi-day bicycling marathon as well as compete in the Colorado State Time Trial championships. The goal for the summer of 2018 will be to compete in my first triathlon.
Marc’s methods are awesome in their simplicity. His methods retrain your body and your mind, including your nutrition. It is a process, not an outcome. This means you can carry the process throughout your life, even after you reach your goals.
One of the things he told me when I was frustrated one time (other than threatening to fire my a** if I didn't stop whining), was that if I am in a hurry to take it off, that means I am in a bigger hurry to put it back on again. Steady gains are long-term gains. Proper nutrition, proper exercise, and proper, conservative supplementation are key.
I am 55 years old. At an age where most men are in the middle of a slow decline, I have gotten fitter, faster and healthier every year for the past five years because of Marc Lobliner’s program.
It has been nearly five years since The Fat Loss Factor was published.
In that time, many people have lost weight, become healthier, come off of blood pressure medications, and even used it as extreme prep for a bodybuilding show.
This is the most versatile and easy to follow diet ever created. It works for both the everyday person looking for health and a better body, to the individual looking to take dieting and physique display to the extreme.
Also, in those five years, science and nutrition have evolved. I have had mentorship as an elite EXOS trainer, and also had the privilege of training 1,000s of people through these published works and hearing feedback. While the original Fat Loss Factor is highly effective and in my opinion the best, and most complete healthy diet book ever created, if I can make something better, you bet that I will.
Without further ado, the Drop Factor Transformation Edition is here. It’s time for YOU to get your best body - and health - ever. Read on and change your life now!
We have really honed in on the mental part of dieting and the physical part of training. We need our brains to function optimally. This means controlling insulin throughout the day and having ample energy to train. We do this by controlling carbohydrate intake around training and restricting it in favor of healthy fats other times of the day.
Another benefit is not having to measure every single little morsel of carbs, fat, and protein. We achieve this by using the diabetic exchange. What is the diabetic exchange? We don’t count every calorie. We count macros - and only some of them. Before your OCD kicks in, realize that adjusting is the key and this allows you to easily adjust to see progress.
The diabetic exchange factors in consistency. Dieting is all about consistency. What we do is count the protein from protein-based foods, the fat from fat-based foods and the carbs from carb-based foods.
Unless they are high (see chart) we neglect to count the other macronutrients from that food. Some guidelines on when to count the “other” macros on foods:
Click here to order a physical copy of the Drop Factor book.
The diet is laid out below. I’ve explained the diabetic exchange and how that works, so we will have a handy list of food choices at the end of this book. Following the exact food choices in the example menu will not lead to optimal results.
Please pay attention to meal timing. It is vitally important for physical and mental performance. However, if the meal timing doesn't work for you, don't sweat it! Just make sure all macros are met at the end of the day and results will be the same. Sometimes, work and life can get in the way of meals!
Will fat loss results be similar if those guidelines aren’t adhered to? Most likely, yes. Thermodynamics tells us that calories in versus calories out is the most important variable in fat loss. But, for maximizing muscle retention and/or gain, fat loss and mental and physical performance, I fully believe that the timing does indeed make a difference.
Carbs fuel your muscles, aid recovery, and also help to potentiate sleep hormones like serotonin. So we will assume a 1 pm workout. BUT this can be adjusted to any time of the day. Just move the pre-workout shake to where you need it.
Post-workout, the carb shake comes in handy as well. Pre-bed, enjoy some yummy carbs. Since we want carbs that move fast in the body but do not spike insulin at all, the only powder I recommend is MTS Nutrition Carb 10. I also give the option of eating the most perfect performance bar ever created, The Outright Bar, around training. But, if you cannot afford that, oatmeal or a banana can be used.
Your brain loves fat. It also helps to regulate insulin. By keeping healthy fats in your diet it will keep hormone levels adequate and energy levels stable. There are also numerous health benefits.
While we do not vilify any fats, including trans fats at low levels, since I do not believe that’s a healthy mental approach, we will list out some healthy fats at the end of this book, But for now, think:
You may eat unlimited green veggies. A quick list:
NOTE: We allow two servings of blueberries or similar berries per day NOT counted (15g Carbs) as the baseline for health benefits.
If long-term results are your goal, abide by the diet as close as you can. But if you go out for your birthday, you go on an anniversary dinner or you have a vacation, have a little snack here and there, just don’t go crazy. Keep it within reason and hop back on the plan at the next meal.
These help fill you up and the calories are negligible. I will not even list these in the diet. Add as needed.
Here are the weight ranges we will have plans for. If you weigh less than 140 pounds, start at the macronutrient (calorie) level listed below and decrease by 5 grams of fat per meal to start if uncomfortable and/or you gain over two pounds the first week.
You need a food scale! This is hardcore. Because of this we need to measure everything. I don’t “eyeball” food and I do this for a living. Before starting buy a food scale.
If consistent and it doesn't change, both your pre and postworkout shake can be replaced by an Outright Bar.
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
FEMALE – 90 - 115lbs Starting Diet
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
Sample Meal Plan
Note: This is the OPTIMAL eating plan. If you dislike - or get sick of - the meals the way they are, feel free to utilize the chart at the bottom of the program to switch out foods.
Try to get in the fat sources as listed, but they can all be interchanged as desired. For example, if you want 20g peanut butter in meal 5 instead of 2 tsp macadamia nut oil, go ahead!
If you miss a meal, simply space other meals apart differently to get all of your meals in.
Egg beaters can be used instead of egg whites - why waste the yolk? Food choices DO MATTER. For health mainly, fat loss will come with macronutrient control. Try to stick to what I recommend as often as possible.
Any idiot can write a diet. The key is adjusting as you hit sticking points. What is a stick point? When dieting it is when you do not lose weight or body fat for two straight weeks. We are aiming for one to two pounds a week and if you do not average that, it is time to adjust. The first variable will be CARBS.
Stick Point 1: Remove carbs from any meal except the pre and post-workout shake by 30g.
Stick Point 2: Until the only carbs remaining are pre-workout and post-workout: Repeat stick point one until the only carbs remaining are the pre-workout and post-workout carbs.
Stick Point 3: Remove 5g fat per meal.
Stick Point 4: Add in 20 minutes post-workout or AM cardio and add in 10 minutes per stick point until you reach a MAX of 45 minutes PER DAY. This cardio is low-intensity cardio meaning not high intensity yet going just hard enough to break a sweat. Incline treadmill and stepmill are two options.
Stick Point 5: Lower protein not to go below 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. Remove 7 grams per meal each time. Thus, if all of your meals are currently 49 grams, lower them to 42 grams.
Stick Point 6: Remove another 5g fat not to go below 5g per meal.
Stick Point 7: If pre-workout and post-workout carbs are at 50g each, lower to 25g each.
At this point, you should not need to lower anymore. Always keep in the pre and post-workout shake.
You do not have to eat the same thing every day. What is listed is recommended, but in reality, it can get boring. Simply move to the very end of the book and you can make substitutions. Just take the equal amount of the alternative.
How to Cook Your Food
Cook your food in non-stick, no-calorie spray like “Pam” or get a Misto brand sprayer and fill it with macadamia nut oil. You can also cook in a small amount of macadamia nut or coconut oil - just enough to coat the bottom of the pan.
What Can I NOT Eat?
You can really eat anything in moderation. Severe restriction will lead to quitting and binges.
So if you feel like having a Pop-Tart, do your best to fit it into your macronutrients and do not make this an every meal thing. I recommend a getting the diet on point with the food choice at the end of the book at least 85%-90% of the time. That will still yield amazing results! You can even fit a Pop-Tart pre or post workout. Be flexible!
Thus, nothing is “off limits.”
What and How Much to Drink?
Pretty much unlimited non-caloric beverages. Get most of your liquid from plain old water, but diet sodas, Crystal Light and even some flavored BCAAs like Machine Fuel work. Coffee with artificial sweetener and no cream is also a go!
As for how much to drink, recent research shows drinking when thirsty works. With that said, I know a lot of people who hardly drink anything, so aim for one gallon of water per day, but no need to carry it around like a big meathead.
In moderation, maybe on a weekend or at a gathering, sure. Alcohol will slow your progress, period, but it is a social thing and once a week or two won’t hurt a thing.
Where Do I Get My Egg Whites From?
Egg Beaters or similar are fine, or even bulk, non-free-range eggs work for this. All free range or whites gets expensive.
I cannot eat ALL OF THOSE EGGS!
Simple solution - substitute. Have MTS Nutrition Machine Whey or even chicken or another protein source instead with your whole eggs.
What About Grains?
Grains are fine, there are very few people with Celiac disease regardless of what Oprah says.
What if I Train First Thing in the Morning?
Simply wake up, drink your pre-workout shake or Outright Bar along with your pre-workout supplement (my recommendation later), mix up your BCAA drink for training and get to work!
What if I Miss a Meal?
What if I can only fit in three meals a day due to my schedule? Meal timing is highly irrelevant when it comes to success. Overall macronutrient and caloric intake is what matters.
Thus, as long as the overall macros for the day match what they are supposed to be, it doesn’t matter if you get it in three or in six meals.
If I Buy Fattier Meat From the Farm, How Do I De-fat It?
See this YouTube Video:
12 Weeks for Everyone?
For those starting between eight and 15 percent body fat, 12 weeks with this program should be adequate to get into amazing shape. But for those in a fatter state, it might take longer.
Simply stick to this for as long as it takes to get to your goal. But, after every 12 week phase, take a week off of training. Do not take a week off the diet.
When Do I Take My Pre and Post-Workout Shake?
Take your pre-workout shake about and hour pre-workout and your post-workout shake immediately after training. Here is a sample supplement schedule:
How Come Some of the Sample Meal Plans Have Carbs at Meal One and Two and Some Don't?
While we stated carbs will focus around training and bedtime, to intake more than 120g of carbs per meal is a lot, so we had no choice but to allocate to other meals for larger calorie needs.
This can be replaced with the Big 5 Training Program.
I have taken the most advanced and effective athletic training system ever, EXOS, and combined it with a focus on hypertrophy. This program will not only help make you lean and muscular, but also make you functional and feeling the best you’ve ever felt.
Day 1
45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135x 8
Day 2
Workout video here: sG9o-ZOg
Finish with Tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and Tabata. Tabata done immediately post-workout:
Do this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes post training. immediately after Tabata consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
Day 3: REGEN
Day 4: Lower Body Pull
45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135x 6
Day 5: Shoulders and Triceps
45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135x 6
Finish with Tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and Tabata Tabata done immediately post-workout:
Do this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes post training. immediately after tabata consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
Day 6: Back and Biceps
Finish with Tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and Tabata. Tabata done immediately post-workout:
Day 7: REGEN!
For abs, hit them 2-3X a week. Some options:
Do this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes post training. immediately after Tabata consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
We have gone over when to add cardio in the “Adjusting Your Diet” section. Now we will tell you why we are going to do LISS cardio in simple bullet point format:
We already do the best form of cardio, Tabata, in the workout. Any time you are training over 4 days per week, which we are, your post-exercise calorie burn is maximized, so there is no need to benefit from that HIIT benefit.
The training and Tabata alongside caloric restriction is taxing on your nervous system. Low-intensity cardio is a part of REGEN, or recovery. All we want from this are the health benefits and caloric burn.
Thus, cardio will be something like stepmill or incline treadmill at a brisk pace, not all out!
Supplements supplement your diet. They do not substitute. With that said, this diet will work without supplements, it’s that darn good. But the supplements that I have created as CEO of MTS Nutrition are designed to enhance your fat loss, maintain and build more sexy, lean mass, and also make you perform better both physically and mentally.
While I make a lot of supplements, and you can certainly take more than this, this is the base of what I recommend for this diet that will give you a huge advantage in achieving the body of your dreams. We will have simple categories that I feel are needed.
I will also make suggestions if you cannot afford to buy these if applicable. But remember, these are here to help you reach your goals. The supplements that I feel are necessary in this program are:
Whey protein is food, period. This should technically be in your grocery and not your supplement budget but since you will be buying it from a supplement store, we will keep it in here.
I formulated Machine Whey to be perfect nutritionally and to taste phenomenal. The application of this is to add protein around training and to make an easy, high-quality protein option for meals. What makes Machine Whey special is:
See a complete lab test here:
The ultimate fat burner that will help you with thyroid shut down, metabolic shutdown, and low energy that can all occur as a byproduct of caloric restriction. With scientifically validate dosing, proven fat burning components and ingredients that support thyroid function, Drop Factor will ensure that your diet goes as smoothly as possible and you have the energy to propel yourself through any grueling workday.
Pre-workout we want a good boost to kill that workout. Ruckus is the result of years of feedback from our customers. People wanted:
We then formulated this with Infinergy™ for controlled release energy, elevATP™ for the ATP benefits of creatine without the bloat, betaine nitrate for the epic pump, full disclosure, ingredients for unparalleled focus and an amazing fruity taste.
Carb 10 is literally designed for this diet. We want carbs to get into our muscle for fuel fast, but without the insulin spike. This is exactly what Carb 10 does. Use this if possible. If not, a banana or oatmeal, while not as good, can suffice.
Sourced from deep, cold water fish from Norway, Ethitech Fish Oil delivers potent levels of DHA and Omega 3s in super concentrated form. Along with the high quality of ultra-premium pure fish oil, something you will not find is any unwanted heavy metals, such as mercury (nnon-detectablelevels) commonly found in fish products and the fish themselves.
With the NSF and GMP production quality, and the fact that we manufacture right here in the USA, you can be sure that the quality you buy with MTS Nutrition will provide maximum health benefits towards healthy weight management, cognitive function, vascular health, mood, heart health, vision.
There is even added citrus flavor, so no more fishy burps! I recommend taking 3 capsules of this per day not counted in your daily macronutrient totals.
We want to make sure we have all we need to stay healthy; you cannot get results if you’re sick.
Machine Greens + Multi is the first ever health supplement to not only provide the equivalent of multiple servings of fruits and vegetables, but also provides a complete, high-end multivitamin all in one, convenient supplement.
Machine Greens + Multi is the perfect supplement for those who do not get enough vegetables but want all the benefits they provide.
Plus, when you add the SuperFruit Blend™ and Green Balance Blend, you no longer need your daily multivitamin - and that puts money right back in your pocket!
Machine Greens + Multi also contains the ProDura™ Blend, a potent probiotic for gut and overall health as well as supportive supplements like Milk Thistle, N-Acetyl L-Cysteine and Alpha Lipoic Acid to support organ and overall health. This is the complete health blend! Because looking good and feeling great IS NOT A GAME!™
We all know recovery is crucial when it comes to building lean muscle mass. However, most are unaware of the fact that they are breaking down muscle tissue when they train, not building it. This is why proper rest and nutrients are essential if you are looking to maximize your gains.
Protein is the building blocks of muscle and amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids are the key macronutrient responsible for creating muscle.
Machine Fuel™ is the culmination of years of data and research and adherence and belief in the most stringent quality and truth to label. It also follows in his tradition of making sport nutrition taste great with a best in class flavor system as he did with Machine Whey™. Machine Fuel is designed to help enhance recovery, reduce muscle breakdown, enhance the pump during training with a wallop of the new leader in NO enhancers, Agmatine sulfate which
may lead to better protein assimilation.
For Machine Fuel, take 2 scoops during your workout.
Equal to 1 serving of carbohydrate – 12-15 grams carbohydrate.
Cereals & Grains
Starchy Vegetables
Dried Beans & Lentils – Also Counts as 1 Meat Serving
Equal to 1 serving of carbohydrate – 12-15 grams carbohydrate.
Equal to 1 serving of protein & 1 serving carbohydrate – 12-15 grams carbohydrates, 6-8 grams protein.
- Skim milk (0 grams fat) – 1 cup or 8 Fl oz
- 1% milk – 1 cup or 8 Fl oz
- Plain non-fat yogurt – ¾ cup or 6 oz
- Yoplait/Dannon Light fruit yogurt – 6 oz (1 container)
- 2% milk - 1 cup or 8 oz
- Plain low-fat yogurt - ¾ cup or 6.5 oz
- Sweet acidophilus milk - 1 cup
Equal to 1 serving of vegetables – 4-6 grams carbohydrates. All servings sizes are based on (raw or steamed).
Equal to 1 serving of Meat) – 6-8 grams protein.
- Fresh fish (cod, haddock, halibut, tuna (canned in water), tilapia) – 1 oz or 28.35g
- Shellfish (crab, lobster, shrimp) – 1.25 oz or 35.5g
- Egg whites – 2 or 67g
- Egg Beaters – ¼ cup or 2.15 oz or 61g
- Non-fat cottage cheese – ¼ cup or 2 oz or 57 g
- Salmon fillet – 1 oz or 28.35g (also counts as ½ fat serving)
- Lean sirloin – ¾ oz or 21.25g
- Egg (including yolk) – 1 or 50g (also counts as 1 fat serving)
- Cheese 2% (reduced fat) – 1 oz or 28.35g (also counts as 1 fat serving)
- Salmon – 1 oz or 28.35g (also counts as ½ fat serving)
Equal to 1 serving of Fat) 5 grams fat.
- Avocado – 1 oz or 28.35g
- Almonds (dry roasted) – 1/3 oz (~ 6 pieces) or 1 Tbsp or 8.6g
- Benecol light – 1 Tbsp or 14g
- Cashews – 1/3 oz or 1 Tbsp or 9.65g
- Enova oil – 1 Tsp or 4.5g
- Flax oil – 1 Tsp or 4.5g
- Mayonnaise (light, reduced-fat) – 1 Tbsp or 15g
- Oil (olive or canola, Enova) – 1 tsp or 4.5g or 0.16 oz
- Peanuts – 1/3 oz or 9.36g
- Peanut/Almond butter (smooth or crunchy) – 2 tsp or 0.38 oz or 10.6g
- Pecans – ¼ oz or 1 Tbsp or 7.44g
- Salad dressing (light, reduced-fat) – 2 Tbsp or 30g
- Sesame seeds – 1Tbsp or 1/3 oz or 9.4g
- Smart Balance Light spread – 1 Tbsp or 14g
- Sunflower seeds – 1Tbsp or 1/3 oz or 9.0g
- Walnuts – 1Tbsp or 1/4 oz or 7.5g
Free Food List
Less than 20 calories per serving. Less than 5 gram carbohydrates per serving. Recommended at 1 serving per meal per day.
Fat-Free or Reduced Fat
Sugar-Free or Low Sugar:
Sugar Free or Low Sugar:
Eating Out Food Options
The beauty of gaining mass is that you now have the freedom that you did not have while dieting. If you want to eat out, go ahead. You are trying to pack on mass and if you are off on macronutrients on one of your many weekly
meals, it is not a big deal and might even help you reach your goals more efficiently – and definitely more palatable!
Meats to select:
Carbohydrates to select:
Fruits to select:
Fats to select:
Vegetables to select:
These standards always stay the same. We are counting “servings” not every single calorie:
½ cup serving of this food item will count for the following:
Carbohydrates @ 28g = 2 carbohydrate servings calculated by carbohydrates divided by the STANDARD (15g) = 1.866 servings so we round up to 2 servings carbohydrates.
Now if your meal recommends 4 total servings you will make up 2 additional servings of carbohydrates meaning 1.5 tbsp honey or ½ cup oatmeal.
Fat @ 2g = ½ fat serving calculated by fat divided by the STANDARD (5g) = 0.40 servings so we round up to ½ serving fat. Now if your meal recommends 2 total servings you will make up 1 additional serving of fat meaning 6 almonds or 2 tsp peanut butter.