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Why Your High Protein Low Carb Diet Might Not Be A Keto Diet

Why Your High Protein Low Carb Diet Might Not Be A Keto Diet

In the 1970s Dr. Atkins popularized the ketogenic Diet. What a dream diet this was! Eat all you want and as long as you only eat protein and fat and do not consume carbohydrates, you will lose weight

It was a miracle!

The caveat was pretty simple: You must eat HIGH fat, meaning 80% or more of your calories from fat. The rest of your calories would come from protein with trace carbs.

Sedentary people were losing fat. Heck, I even saw an interview with Luther Vandross, the man whom we have all had in the background while making love at least once in our lives, stating that he went from "Fat Luther" to "Skinny Luther" by using the Atkins Diet.

If it worked for the man who is responsible for more pregnancies than Flavor Flav, then this has to be legit. BUT, bad things happen when bodybuilding "GURUS" get wind of ideas like this. They make it even more idiotic!

In the late 1990s the "keto" diet made a roaring comeback. Celebrities were using it. My neighbor who had a really fat butt was using it. Hell, even I tried it. But this was the actual ketogenic diet, meaning HIGH fat, moderate protein, and trace carbs. This is a real keto diet. The body needs to be depleted of all glucose and carbs, AND you have to eat low protein.

Marc Lobliner discusses why your high protein, low carb keto diet might not be putting you into ketosis.

A ketogenic diet is low protein?

Low protein?

You heard me correct, low protein. The ketogenic diet, while good for the soccer mom whose only activity is loading groceries in her minivan, is HORRIBLE for bodybuilding!

As bodybuilders we want about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day (per ISSN and other guidelines) to build and maintain lean muscle mass. NO WAY can you get this when 80% of your diet is coming from pork rinds and pig butt. But, here come the "gurus."

The illiterate gurus strike again

In the mid-2000s there was a popular national level NPC bodybuilder who touted his incredible dieting strategy, saying things like, "With my keto diet you will never feel hungry or have cravings." Yet as more people tried it, more people felt terrible and got very little results. Why is this?

They were eating 8 ounces of LEAN MEAT 6 times a day! That right there is over 300 grams of protein per day. Even with a higher fat intake (about 15g per meal) there was no way on God's green earth these folks were coming near ketosis.

They weren't on a ketogenic diet, they were on a gluconeogenic diet.

So they felt like crap because of a lack of glucose, our body's preferred energy source. Their body was producing glucose by converting excess protein to carbs via gluconeogenesis. This process is long and inefficient, and not the way the body prefers to operate.

Since this glucose will be available sooner or later, the body will not enter ketosis (at least not for a significant period of time) and will not utilize ketones as the main energy source. So, all of the suffering of a low carb diet (life without bread is like a pretzel without salt, it sucks) with none of the ketogenic benefits.

But hey, the guy who designed the diet was really lean and huge, right? And this isn't about one guy. This type of phony ketogenic diet was, and currently is, being promoted by dozens of moronic and illiterate trainers.

How to experience epic fat loss

"So Marc, in all of your wisdom as a fake fitness celebrity - and one with amazing hair - what should you do for epic gains and epic fat loss on an epic diet with epic hair?"

Fat Loss Factor

Click here to download the FREE Fat Loss Factor PDF.

The key is to keep carbs as high as possible and cardio as low as possible for as long as possible.

Losing fat and seeing results is all about adjusting as you hit sticking points. Here are some rules to ensure results on a diet. While individuals differ, in my experience this is applicable to over 90% of people.

  • Protein - Set protein to 1-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight.
  • Fat - Set fat to around 20% of your total daily intake.
  • Carbs - Fill in the rest of your total caloric needs with yummy and delicious CARBS!
Note: to find your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) click here.

As a guideline, I also have a complete diet and training book available here.

The key is to adjust down. Thus, by starting with high carbs and low cardio, we can always increase cardio or decrease carbs as fat loss stalls to ensure constant progress. We will call these lapses in fat loss "stick points."

Here is an example of how to handle stick points. You will adjust as you feel needed:
  • Stick Point 1: Remove about 20-30g carbs (depends on total carb level).
  • Stick Point 2: Add another cardio session of 20 minutes on the step mill.
  • Stick Point 3: Remove 5g fat per meal never to go below 20% total caloric intake.
  • Stick Point 4: Lower protein, NOT to go below 1 gram per pound of bodyweight.
    A concise way to do this is outlined in the book referenced above.

Supplements and carbs for fat loss

One reason I say screw keto is that I LOVE carbs around training time. I love pre-workout carbs for the energy and the pump they help induce, and post-workout carbs for recovery. I know people will argue the studies and the necessity of carbs for bodybuilders, but I personally love them around training!

Thus, I recommend having a whole food meal pre-workout and then 20 minutes before lifting your first weight, slam your pre-workout energy and performance shake. BUT, if you train first thing in the morning and do not have time for a meal, slam a quick Machine ISO and Machine Carb 10 shake. One scoop each will suffice, providing 25g carbs and 25g protein.

Here is the workout nutrition protocol I HIGHLY recommend:

Supplement like a pro. The pre-workout combination of Vasky and Clash provides focus, energy and insane pumps. Machine Fuel is an intra-workout BCAA powerhouse. Click here to buy now.

Training on a cutting diet

When on a higher carb diet, you CAN do higher volume and get the most-wicked pumps ever! More exercise equals more fat burning equals better results.

There are MANY programs to choose from, but here is one of my favorite volume programs EVER!

Blow it up volume smash program

  • Day 1 - Quad-Dominant Leg Day
  • Day 2 - Chest and Bicep Day
  • Day 3 - Off
  • Day 4 - Back Day
  • Day 5 - Hamstring-Dominant Leg Day
  • Day 6 - Delts and Triceps
  • Day 7 - Off
Day 1: Quad-Dominant Leg Day
Blow It Up Volume Smash
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell or Kettlebell Goblet Squats  10  10
Leg Press  5  15 to 6
Hack Squat  3  8-10
Leg Extension  3  15
Calf Raise of Choice  3  15

Goblet Squats: 10 total sets! Work up as you can per YOUR strength:
  • 10x10
  • 20x10
  • 30x10
  • 40x10
  • 50x10
  • 60x10
  • 70x10
  • 80x10
  • 90x10
  • 100x10
Leg Press: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 135x15
  • 225x12
  • 315x10
  • 365x8
  • 405x6
Day 2: Chest and Bicep Day
Blow It Up Volume Smash
Exercise Sets Reps
Hammer Strength Incline Press or Machine of Choice  5  15 to 6
Dumbbell Flyes  3  15, 12, 10
Flat Barbell Bench Press  3  6-12
Pec Deck Flyes  3  12-15
Barbell Bicep Curls  3  15, 12, 10
Hammer Dumbbell Curls  3  15, 12, 10

Hammer Strength Incline Press: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 135x15
  • 225x12
  • 315x10
  • 365x8
  • 405x6 - This set is a drop set with 3 total drops at 30% drop each
Dumbbell Flyes: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 135x15
  • 225x12
  • 315x10
Barbell Bicep Curls: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 135x15
  • 225x12
  • 315x10
Hammer DB Curls: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 40x15
  • 50x12
  • 60x10
Day 4: Back Day
Blow It Up Volume Smash
Exercise Sets Reps
Pull Ups (weighted if you can)  3  5-15
Barbell Rows  5  15 to 6
Machine Row  3  6-15
Lat Pull Down  3  8-15
Dumbbell Pullover  3  10-15
Hyperextensions  3  15
Deadlifts (Optiional, instead of Hyperextensions)  3  10-15

Barbell Rows: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 135x15
  • 225x12
  • 315x10
  • 365x8
  • 405x6 - This set is a drop set with 3 total drops at 30% drop each.

Deadlifts: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 135x15
  • 225x12
  • 315x10
  • 365x8
  • 405x6
Day 5: Hamstring-Dominant Leg Day
Blow It Up Volume Smash
Exercise Sets Reps
Goblet Squats  5  10
Wall Facing Deadlifts  3  10
Lying Leg Curl  4  15
Seated or One Leg Curl  4  15
Straight Leg Deadlift  3  10-15
Calf Raise of Choice  3  15

Dumbbell or Kettlebell Goblet Squats: Work up as you can per YOUR strength:
  • 10x10
  • 20x10
  • 30x10
  • 40x10
  • 50x10
Day 6: Delts and Triceps
Blow It Up Volume Smash
Exercise Sets Reps
Military Press  5  15 to 6
Dumbbell or Machine Lateral Raise  4  10-15
Rear Delt Machine or DB Bent Over Flyes  4  10-15
Shrugs with Barbell, DB or Machine  4  10-15
Triceps Pressdowns  4  10-15
Skullcrushers  4  10-15

Military Press: Pyramid up in weight like:
  • 135x15
  • 225x12
  • 315x10
  • 365x8
  • 405x6

Workout Notes

You can do this any 5 days of the week. Just remember to program in two rest days.

Do abs 2-3 times a week. See this:

You can sub ANY exercise with a movement for the same muscle. Order can be moved around on a given day, but try not to.

When you can get more than the max number of reps (let's say you get 12 when it is a 6-12 rep exercise), then raise the weight 10lbs.

Kiss high protein low carbs goodbye

No more suffering, no more avoiding bread...just enjoyable gainz and sick pumps in the gym! Try out the anti-moron protocol listed above and lose fat and enjoy carbs at the same time.

Because calling a diet ketogenic even though it isn't...that's not a game!
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