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8 Ways to Get Your Partner to Support Your Weight Loss Goals

8 Ways to Get Your Partner to Support Your Weight Loss Goals

Losing weight can be difficult. Between life, work, and trying to have a social life, it’s hard to stay focused and on track.

What’s worse, though, is having a partner that is oblivious to or does not try to support your weight loss goals. The fact is there aren’t many couples that have an in-depth conversation before they tackle a weight loss goal.

Related - 4 Step Plan to Lose Weight

Instead of shutting off to your partner and trying to go at it alone, try these eight tips to see if any work for you.

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#1 - Share Your ‘Why’ With Them

It may be obvious why you want to lose weight, but you can’t assume your partner knows this. Let them know why you are starting a weight loss journey and explain to them your why.

Why do you want to lose weight?

Do you want to be able to play with your children without being winded? Do you want to look better for your daughter’s wedding?

Whatever it is, be open and concise with your partner about why you want to lose weight. Emphasize why it is important and what that can mean to your relationship.

#2 - Try a New Kind of Date Night

Instead of trying to figure out if you should go out Friday night with your significant other, why not make date night more health-conscience?

Struggling to lose weight becomes harder when the one night of the week you can spend time with them you have to fight temptations or completely skip a meal. Instead, try to prioritize both the relationship and your weight loss goals.

Instead of the usual go out to a restaurant followed by a movie, you could try to have a couple’s game night at home, have a bonfire, or have some Netflix and chill time — extra cardio never hurts.

If you want to get out of the house, find a restaurant that you both like but may not have the same temptations. Being mindful of what you eat, logging your food, and planning your calories in advance can ease a lot of the stress of eating out.

#3 - Get Each Other On the Same Page

Getting healthier together can build a lot more foundation to your relationship. Teamwork makes the dream work.

If you both are looking to get in shape, it’s important to talk to your partner and understand each other’s point of view. The tricky part comes to coordinating each other’s efforts. For instance, one of you may be able to focus on moderation, while your partner may need a more rigid approach.

It’s not fair for one person to make all of the rules and expect others to change. If you want to eat keto, you can’t expect your partner to eat like you without butting heads.

Sit down and take notes on where your goals overlap and where they do not. This means you may be able to take a walk together, but each of you will have to cook separate meals. If your partner doesn’t want ice cream in the house, pick a flavor they don’t like so it is not a temptation.

You can find compromises and work together so you both can achieve your goals.

#4 - Get the Whole Family Involved

Carving out some time to get to the gym can be impossible with all of our daily tasks. If you have kids, try to find opportunities that you can be active together.

Take your family for a hike, go play some basketball, or find an activity you all can learn together.

Get out and enjoy the weather when you can — the sun provides vitamin D.

#5 - Be Vulnerable and Open About Your Needs

In order for you to achieve your ideal body, you’re going to have to rethink some of your habits. You’re going to have to replace them with a healthier version.

Eating more vegetables, eating less processed foods, or even simply logging your foods are all habits you can create.

What about those bad days? You know, the days where you open a bag of chips and eat them until they are gone. Do you want your partner to tell you to stop?

Everyone wants to be called out on their bullcrap but generally get angry when someone does.

This confuses your friends or partner.

So think about what you need to feel supported, and what approach you value most. Do you need your partner to listen to you complain? Do you need them to build you up and cheer you on?

Find what it is and be very specific so your partner knows what will work best for you.

#6 - Speak Up if You Are Being Undermined

This one will be hard, but if you’ve been clear that you want to cook at home, but your partner brings home the usual takeout, you’ve got a problem.

This undermining behavior generally comes from your partner liking the things the way they were. You’re changing your lifestyle, so that means the going to restaurants or eating a bunch of grub at the movies will stop.

Don’t get upset, but voice your feelings.

Talk about what is and what is not working and work together to find a solution. If your partner just has to have a takeout night, compromise and find a healthy option on the menu. You’ll still be able to enjoy time together, but you won’t be blowing your diet.

#7 - Strive to Talk About Your Relationship

Another common reason a partner won’t get on board with you getting into shape is that they fear once you lose weight, you won’t be attracted to them.

This is a good time to address the worries and reassure your commitment to your relationship.

Talk about all of the health benefits like lowering your cholesterol or blood pressure. Talk to them about being able to be more active with them and playing more with your kids. Tell them your viewpoint — it may lower their fear and help them get on board.

#8 - Get Outside Help

You can’t rely solely on your partner to give you the support you need to achieve your fitness goals. Don’t be afraid to hire a coach or personal trainer. There are many weight loss communities you can join for free so you can build a support group for you to thrive.

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