70 Day Fat Shred - The Complete Body Makeover Plan

70 Day Fat Shred - The Complete Body Makeover Plan

"I'll start my diet on Monday!" Until then, let's have a little fun. Pass the nachos, dark beer, and maybe even a little too much midnight ice cream.

We've all started on a Monday at some point during our lives. Maybe last Monday. Maybe every Monday for the last 2 months. Probably nearly every Monday that kicked off a new year.

But here we sit. Overweight. Fluffy. Bloated. Tired of diets that don't deliver results, and workouts that over-promise and under-deliver. So now what?

Are you ready to truly move on? Are you tired of being tired? Sick of feeling sick, soft, and out of shape? Are you completely over what you see as a reflection in the mirror? Are you one hundred percent ready to look better, feel better, live better, and work your tail off?

If so you need to bury the old you.

Place your old habits aside. Be done with them. That old life is over. The junk food. The binge eating. The alcohol. The laziness. This is where it got you.

Do you want to stay here? No! Then it's time to live a completely new lifestyle. This is the only way to forge lasting change. Healthy eating is not just a 10 week program, it's a completely commitment that will help improve your longevity, endurance, sleep, energy, and appearance.

The same with exercise. You must find time. If not, you're doomed. Those who get results find time to make results. They place their health and fitness lifestyle as a priority. You must do this. There are no exceptions. If not, you're only fooling yourself.

You want the old lifestyle but a new body. It doesn't work like that. Sorry. That's reality.

A Complete Body Makeover Plan

For the next 10 weeks you're going to be immersing yourself into a new lifestyle. Remember, this plan is just a starting point. You don't get to return to your old ways after it's done. Well, you can if you want, but your new body will return back to your old body.

This program is designed to help you strip away fat while either maintaining, or building muscle mass.

There are three stages:
  • Stage 1 - Primer. You'll be easing into a new lifestyle and focusing on grasping the basics. The point of this stage is to establish new habits and focus on consistency. If you can't get your butt to the gym and eat healthy, you'll fail miserable when you hit the more advance stages to come.
  • Stage 2 - Push. Here we ramp up the intensity of our workouts and cardio, and introduce carb-cycling into our eating plans. You will be challenging your body and watching your weight drop on the scale.
  • Stage 3 - Peak. The last four weeks of this program. We will focus on a low-carb eating lifestyle, and blast our bodies with an extremely challenging gym protocol.
After the 10 weeks have passed, you can either restart the cycle over and give yourself a defacto 2 week deload, return to Stage 2, or continue to run Stage 3. I would suggest returning to the start of the program. You can reintroduce carbs while still losing weight, and allow your body to recover a bit from the physical intensity of the previous four weeks.

Eating Plan for Fat Loss

During this fat loss shred, men will be eating about 2,300 calories per day and women about 1,400 per day. During the Primer stage (Stage 1), food intake will be fairly balanced between carbs, protein, and healthy fats.

The Push stage, or Stage 2, will feature a high, moderate, and low carb day. Daily calorie intake will remain about the same. During the final stage (Peak), your carbs will drop to a minimum. This won't be an easy stage, but the good news is that it lasts for only four weeks.

Calories and Macronutrients for Men

  • Stage 1 - 2,310 calories, 200 grams of protein, 175 grams of carbs, 810 calories from fats, or 90 grams.
  • Stage 2 - 2,310 calories, 810 calories from fats, or 90 grams. High carb day equals 200 grams of protein and 175 grams of carbs. Moderate carb day equals 250 grams of protein and 125 grams of carbs. Low carb day equals 300 grams of protein and 75 grams of carbs.
  • Stage 3 - 2,310 calories, 300 grams of protein, 75 grams of carbs, 810 calories from fats.

Calories and Macronutrients for Women

  • Stage 1 - 1410 calories, 120 grams of protein, 120 grams of carbs, 450 calories from fats, or 50 grams.
  • Stage 2 - 1,410 calories, 450 calories from fats, or 50 grams. High carb day equals 120 grams of protein and 120 grams of carbs. Moderate carb day equals 150 grams of protein and 90 grams of carbs. Low carb day equals 180 grams of protein and 60 grams of carbs.
  • Stage 3 - 1,410 calories, 200 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbs, 450 calories from fats.

Suggested Supplement Plan

  • Machine Whey Protein to help you achieve your daily protein intake goals.
  • Machine Iso for a great tasting protein shake without all the extra calories.
  • An intra-workout BCAAs product like Machine Fuel for muscle recovery and repair.
  • Fish oil for general health, and to help you reach fat intake goals.
  • A pre-workout supplement to fuel your training sessions with energy, drive, power, and focus.
  • Machine Greens allow you to drink your fruits, veggies, and vitamins all in one convenient shake.

Stage 1 Eating Plan for Men

  • Breakfast - 1 cup cooked oatmeal, 1 scoop MTS whey protein (can be in a shake or stirred into your oatmeal), 5 medium strawberries.
  • Snack - 2 containers Dannon Light & Fit Greek yogurt (or 160 calories of no or low-fat Greek yogurt), 1 ounce of almonds.
  • Lunch - 4 sticks light string cheese (50 calories per stick), 4 ounces of carrot sticks, 1 apple.
  • Snack - 4 large hard-boiled eggs, 1 banana.
  • Evening * - 925 calories, 85 grams of protein, 55 grams of carbs, 35 grams of fat.
Evening calories can be eaten when and how you'd like. It doesn't matter what you eat or drink, as long as your calories and macronutrients (protein, fats, and carbs) are close to your goals. Don't obsess about getting the numbers exactly on the head. Close is all that matters.

Can you eat junk food during your evening meals? Well, it will be hard to take in a proper amount of protein if you're only eating junk food. With that said, a little junk food won't hurt you. If you have cravings, just make sure to nail your protein intake while not going over on your daily calorie allowance.

Stage 2 Eating Plan for Men

  • Breakfast - 1 slice Ezekiel bread, 1.5 scoop MTS whey protein (can be in a shake or stirred into your oatmeal), 5 medium strawberries.
  • Snack - 2 containers Dannon Light & Fit Greek yogurt (or 160 calories of no or low-fat Greek yogurt), 1 ounce of almonds.
  • Lunch - 4 sticks light string cheese (50 calories per stick), 2 ounces of carrot sticks, 2 ounces blueberries.
  • Snack - 4 large hard-boiled eggs, 5 medium strawberries.
  • Evening Low Carb - 1050 calories, 175 grams of protein, 15 grams of carbs, 35 grams of fat.
  • Evening Moderate Carb - 1050 calories, 130 grams of protein, 60 grams of carbs, 35 grams of fat.
  • Evening High Carb - 1050 calories, 75 grams of protein, 115 grams of carbs, 35 grams of fat.

Stage 3 Eating Plan for Men

  • Breakfast - 1 scoop MTS Machine ISO, 2 large eggs, 2 strips of turkey bacon, 2 ounces of blueberries.
  • Snack - 4 sticks light string cheese (50 calories per stick), 2 ounces of broccoli.
  • Lunch - 6 ounces of tilapia topped with 2 pats of butter, 3 ounces of white mushrooms.
  • Snack - 6 ounces of 85% lean ground turkey, 5 medium strawberries.
  • Evening - 1075 calories, 155 grams of protein, 25 grams of fats, 55 grams of carbs.

Stage 1 Eating Plan for Women

  • Breakfast - 5 ounces cooked oatmeal, 1 scoop MTS whey protein (can be in a shake or stirred into your oatmeal), 5 medium strawberries.
  • Snack - 1 container Dannon Light & Fit Greek yogurt (or 80 calories of no or low-fat Greek yogurt), 0.5 ounce of pistachios.
  • Lunch - 2 sticks light string cheese (50 calories per stick), 2 ounces of carrot sticks, 2 ounces of blueberries.
  • Snack - 2 large hard-boiled eggs, 1 small orange.
  • Evening - 620 calories, 50 grams of protein, 50 grams of carbs, 20 grams of fat.

Stage 2 Eating Plan for Women

  • Breakfast - 1 scoop MTS whey protein, 1 small orange.
  • Snack - 1 container Dannon Light & Fit Greek yogurt (or 80 calories of no or low-fat Greek yogurt), 1 tablespoon peanut butter.
  • Lunch - 2 sticks light string cheese (50 calories per stick), 2 ounces of carrot sticks, 2 ounces of blueberries.
  • Snack - 2 large hard-boiled eggs, 5 medium strawberries.
  • Evening Low Carb - 710 calories, 110 grams of protein, 10 grams of carbs, 20 grams of fat.
  • Evening Moderate Carb - 710 calories, 80 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbs, 20 grams of fat.
  • Evening High Carb - 710 calories, 50 grams of protein, 70 grams of carbs, 20 grams of fat

Stage 3 Eating Plan for Men

  • Breakfast - 1 scoop MTS Machine ISO, 1 large egg, 1 ounce of blueberries.
  • Snack - 2 strips of turkey bacon, 2 ounces of broccoli.
  • Lunch - 3 ounces of tilapia topped with 1 pat of butter, 2 ounces of white mushrooms.
  • Snack - 4 ounces of 85% lean ground turkey over 4 ounces of fresh spinach.
  • Evening - 730 calories, 115 grams of protein, 15 grams of fats, 25 grams of carbs.

Dinner Food Choices

Use the following charts to help you make appropriate dinner choices. Adjust the ounces and portion sizes as needed.
protein Foods
Food Calories Protein Fats Carbs
Chicken - Without Skin, 2 Ounces  62  13.1g  0.7g  0g
Ground Turkey - 93% Lean, 2 Ounces  85  10.6  4.7g  0g
Tilapia - 2 Ounces  73  14.8g  1.5g  0g
Tuna in Water - 2 Ounces  66  14.5g  0.5g  0g
Black Beans - 2 Ounces  75  5g  0.3g  13.4g
Egg - Large  78  6.3g  5.3g  0.6g
Greek Yogurt (Fage Total 0%) - 6 Ounces  100  18g  0g  7g
Ground Beef - 85% Lean, 2 Ounces  122  10.5g  8.5g  0g
Fat Foods
Food Calories Protein Fats Carbs
Avocado - 2 Ounces  91  1.1g  8.3g  4.8g
Peanut Butter - Tablespoon  94  4g  8.1g  3.1g
Butter - 1 Pat  36  <0.1g  4.1g  <o.1g
Olive Oil - Tablespoon  120  0g  14g  0g
Almonds - 1 Ounce  164  6g  14.4g  5.6g
Sour Cream - 1 Ounce  64  0.9g  5.9g  1.2g
Cheddar Cheese - 1 Ounce  114  7.1g  9.4g  0.4g
Coconut Oil - Tablespoon  117  0g  13.6g  0g
Carb Foods
Food Calories Protein Fats Carbs
Quinoa - Cooked, 2 Ounces  68  2.5g  1.1g  12.1g
White Rice - Cooked, 2 Ounces  74  1.3g  0.1g  16.2g
Oatmeal - Cooked, 2 Ounces  40  1.4g  0.9g  6.8g
Rice Cake  35  1g  0g  7g
Potato - Small  108  2.1g  0.1g  25g
Sweet Potato - Medium  115  2.1g  0.2g  26.6g
Corn - 2 Ounces  49  1.9g  0.9g  11.9g
Ezekiel Bread - 1 Slice  80  4g  0.5g  15g
Fruits & Veggies
Food Calories Protein Fats Carbs
Strawberries - 5 Medium  19  0.4g  0.2g  4.6g
Blueberries - 2 Ounces  32  0.4g  0.2g  8.2g
Apple - Small  80  0.4g  0.3g  21.2g
Orange - Small  45  0.9g  0.1g  11.3g
Broccoli - 2 Ounces  20  1.3g  0.2g  4.1g
Cauliflower - 2 Ounces  13  1g  0.3g  2.3g
Spinach - 2 Ounces  13  1.6g  0.2g  2.1g
Mushrooms - 2 Ounces  12  1.8g  0.2g  1.9g
Carrots - 2 Ounces  23  0.5g  0.1g  5.4g
Product Calories Protein Fats Carbs
MTS Whey - 1 Scoop  150  25g  3.5g  5g
MTS ISO - 1 Scoop  110  25g  1.5g  2g
Carb 10 - 1 Scoop  110  0g  1g  25g
Fish Oil - 1 Soft Gel  10  0g  0.5g  0g

70 Day Fat Shred Workout

Stage 1 - Primer (Weeks One & Two)

Here is your schedule for these optional break-in weeks:
  • Monday - Workout A
  • Tuesday - Steady State Cardio, 30 Minutes
  • Wednesday - Workout B
  • Thursday - Steady State Cardio, 30 Minutes
  • Friday - Workout C
  • Saturday - Steady State Cardio, 30 Minutes
  • Sunday - Off
Workouts. Use the same for each set of a given exercise. When you are able to perform the stated number of reps for each set, add a small amount of resistance.

Cardio. Use whatever form of steady state cardio you prefer. StairMaster. Treadmill. Elliptical. walking. Hiking. The point here is to get moving. Find a form of cardio you enjoy and just do it.
Workout a
Stage 1 - Primer
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats  2  10
Machine Chest Press  2  12
Dumbbell Rows  2  12
Leg Curls  2  15
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press  2  10
Close Grip Bench Press  2  10
Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down  2  12
Plank  2  60-120 sec
Workout B
Stage 1 - Primer
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts  2  10
Push Ups  2  20
Leg Extensions  2  15
Seated Cable Rows  2  12
Side Laterals  2  12
Dumbbell Skullcrushers  2  15
Rope Cable Curls  2  12
Seated Cable Curls  2  15
Workout C
Stage 1 - Primer
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Press  2  15
Bench Press  2  10
Lat Pull Downs  2  12
Reverse Lunges  2  10
Machine Overhead Press  2  10
Cable Triceps Extensions  2  12
Dumbbell Curls  2  10
Ab Wheel Roll Outs  2  10-15

Stage 2 - Push (Weeks Three to Six)

Here is your schedule for weeks three and five:
  • Monday - Workout A
  • Tuesday - Steady State Cardio, 40 Minutes
  • Wednesday - Workout B
  • Thursday - Steady State Cardio, 40 Minutes
  • Friday - Workout A
  • Saturday - Steady State Cardio, 40 Minutes
  • Sunday - Off
Here is your schedule for weeks four and six:
  • Monday - Workout B
  • Tuesday - Steady State Cardio, 40 Minutes
  • Wednesday - Workout A
  • Thursday - Steady State Cardio, 40 Minutes
  • Friday - Workout B
  • Saturday - Steady State Cardio, 40 Minutes
  • Sunday - Off
Workouts. You will be alternating between A and B workouts.

Cardio. Steady state has been increased to 40 minutes on off days. Workouts now include challenging supersets that will get your heart racing.
Workout a
Stage 2 - Push
Exercise Sets Reps
Superset A - Squats  4  10
Superset A - Bodyweight Lunges  4  10
Superset B - Barbell or T-Bar Rows  4  10
Superset B - Mountain Climbers (10 reps each leg)  4  10
Superset C - Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press  3  10
Superset C - Pike Push Ups  3  10
Superset D - Dips or Assisted Dips  3  12
Superset D - Dumbbell Curls  3  12
Planks  3  60-120 sec
Workout B
Stage 2 - Push
Exercise Sets Reps
Superset A - Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts  3  10
Superset A - Burpees  3  10
Superset B - Bench Press  4  10
Superset B - Hindu Push Ups  4  10
Superset C - Leg Extensions  4  12
Superset C - Wall Sit (Max time, up to 60 seconds)  4  Max
Superset D - Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down  3  12
Superset D - Cable Triceps Extensions (On same machine)  3  12
Ab Wheel Roll Out  3  10-15

Stage 3 - Peak (Weeks Seven to Ten)

Here is your schedule for weeks seven through ten:
  • Monday - Workout A + Morning Steady State Cardio 40 to 60 Minutes
  • Tuesday - Workout B + Morning Steady State Cardio 40 to 60 Minutes
  • Wednesday - Cardio Blast
  • Thursday - Workout A + Morning Steady State Cardio 40 to 60 Minutes
  • Friday - Workout B + Morning Steady State Cardio 40 to 60 Minutes
  • Saturday - Cardio Blast
  • Sunday - Off
Workouts. Sets will be rest-pause style. Rest only 30 to 60 seconds between sets, as listed with each exercise.

Cardio. Perform cardio blasts on off days. These workouts involve cycling between movements as quickly as possible, keep rest between exercises as limited as possible.
Workout a
Stage 3 - PEAK
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats - 60 seconds rest  4  10
Machine Chest Press Chest Press - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Lat Pull Downs - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press  - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Leg Curls - 30 seconds rest  4  10
Dumbbell Curls - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Planks  3  60-120 secs
Workout B
Stage 3 - PEAK
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Seated Cable Rows - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Bodyweight Lunges - 15 reps per leg,  30 seconds rest  4  15
Upright Rows - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift - 60 seconds rest  4  10
Cable Triceps Extensions - 30 seconds rest  5  10
Ab Wheel Rollouts  3  10-15
Cardio Blast. Cycle between the following movements, resting only briefly and as needed. Total workout time for each block is 10 minutes. Rest 5 minutes between blocks, and try to perform three or four per workout.
  • Blast block of 10 minutes
  • Rest 3 to 5 minutes
  • Blast block of 10 minutes
  • Rest 3 to 5 minutes
  • Blast block of 10 minutes
  • Rest 3 to 5 minutes
  • (Optional) Blast block of 10 minutes
The exercises are:
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 jump squats
  • 10 flutterkicks (10 per leg)
  • 10 mountain climbers
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 Hindu push ups
Previous article 5 Day Workout Program for Men