Transformation: Blake Raustad Bulks Up 56 Pounds!

Transformation: Blake Raustad Bulks Up 56 Pounds!

Transformation Stats

What Was Your Life Like Before Your Transformation?

I was always insecure about the way I looked. I still do, but I am more confident

When I first started to play football I was too small. So I started to lift weights. Then I fell in love with weights and quit football for good so I could focus on my true passion.

What Were Your Major Struggles or Challenges?

Eating food was a big struggle for me.
Blake's Body Transformation

Detail Your Workout and Cardio Plan During Your Transformation

Five to six days a week using a 4-day split:
  • Chest and biceps
  • Back and triceps
  • Legs
  • Shoulders and traps
I didn't do any cardio.

Detail Your Diet/Eating Plan During Your Transformation

I only focused on diet during the summer of 2015. I was eating about 7 times a day, 2 of which were protein shakes.

Detail Your Supplement Plan During Your Transformation

Protein shakes twice a day and BCAA's throughout the whole day.

What Was Your Major Accomplishment, or Major Milestones?

Seeing my first gains.

Detail Your 3 Biggest Mistakes
  1. Ignorance
  2. Not learning online
  3. Also not starting sooner
3 Biggest Things You Learned During Your Transformation?
  1. It takes time.
  2. Train smart.
  3. Feel the contraction in your muscles.
Final Words of Advice for Others Looking to Make a Change?

You can do it. Even if people don't believe in you, you have to believe in yourself.

Everyone thinks that greatness is some god-like unreachable asterisk thing that only the great can do when anyone can do it if they dream and dedicate themselves to. There is sacrifice but after sacrifice is success so it is up to you if you want to get that job, it's up to you if you want to get to the next level.
Previous article 10 Top 1980s Bodybuilders - Then and Now


jeff gray - January 11, 2019

nice gainzz!

jeff gray - January 11, 2019

great takeaways from your progress.

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